Project 2

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numero = 20565
interpreted = N
texte = Project 2 now resides in a folder called Project2.It's mostly the same as before, except that* The pop-up menu at the top of home.tpl now works. You'll only have one choice because the database only has one trip in it. * At the end of the process, mail is sent to someone (right now it's sent to me). The mail gives all the info (I think) and a link to an Admin page called Admin.tpl. This page is not secure. You can do that by setting some security options in the WebCat prefs and putting [PROTECT somenamehere] at the top of the page. If you go straight to the admin page with no arguements, you get a list of carts (that is, completed orders) that reside in the ClubMountain folder. Click on one and you'll get info w/ CC numbers. There are also links to delete carts once you're done with them (so the folder doesn't get too cluttered). * WebMerchant is completely uninvolved.Let me know what you think. Michael Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Project 2 (Michael Winston 1998)
  2. Project 2 (Michael Winston 1998)
Project 2 now resides in a folder called Project2.It's mostly the same as before, except that* The pop-up menu at the top of home.tpl now works. You'll only have one choice because the database only has one trip in it. * At the end of the process, mail is sent to someone (right now it's sent to me). The mail gives all the info (I think) and a link to an Admin page called Admin.tpl. This page is not secure. You can do that by setting some security options in the WebCat prefs and putting [PROTECT somenamehere] at the top of the page. If you go straight to the admin page with no arguements, you get a list of carts (that is, completed orders) that reside in the ClubMountain folder. Click on one and you'll get info w/ CC numbers. There are also links to delete carts once you're done with them (so the folder doesn't get too cluttered). * WebMerchant is completely uninvolved.Let me know what you think. Michael Michael Winston


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