Stinkin' [Referrer]

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numero = 20586
interpreted = N
texte = hello,I am using POST to build a search. After about 3 screens of data gathering I present the user with a list of items that match their search, from closest to not so close. The problem arises when the user clicks on one of the links in this list to see a detail of the item. At this point I switched from using a POST to using WebDNA CONTEXT tags in the next page with the parameters coming from the URL in the list, like so: [City], [Price]So all this works great and I am happily working along on the rest of the details on the deatil page. Then i want to add a back button, so I find this really cool tag [referrer] that will take me back a page, but when I use it at this point the previous page does not remember what [State] it was using and the whole thing falls apart.Anyone have any advice??- Charles_______________________________________________________________ Charles Kline MacSultants Professional Solutions for Computer SystemsPhone# 609-273-3255 Fax# 609-273-3721 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Paul Willis 1998)
  2. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Bob Minor 1998)
  3. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Gil Poulsen 1998)
  4. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Bob Minor 1998)
  5. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Bob Minor 1998)
  6. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Bob Minor 1998)
  7. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Gil Poulsen 1998)
  8. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Steve Rosenbaum 1998)
  9. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (charles kline 1998)
  10. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  11. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (charles kline 1998)
  12. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Trevor Crist 1998)
  13. Re: Stinkin' [Referrer] (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  14. Stinkin' [Referrer] (charles kline 1998)
  15. Stinkin' [Referrer] (charles kline 1998)
hello,I am using POST to build a search. After about 3 screens of data gathering I present the user with a list of items that match their search, from closest to not so close. The problem arises when the user clicks on one of the links in this list to see a detail of the item. At this point I switched from using a POST to using WebDNA CONTEXT tags in the next page with the parameters coming from the URL in the list, like so: [City], [Price]So all this works great and I am happily working along on the rest of the details on the deatil page. Then i want to add a back button, so I find this really cool tag [referrer] that will take me back a page, but when I use it at this point the previous page does not remember what [State] it was using and the whole thing falls apart.Anyone have any advice??- Charles_______________________________________________________________ Charles Kline MacSultants Professional Solutions for Computer SystemsPhone# 609-273-3255 Fax# 609-273-3721 charles kline


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