Re: videos.. yak..yak

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numero = 21539
interpreted = N
texte = I have been taught anotherThe price of low quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgottenThat's why I dont do linux, perl etc.Thats excactly where WebCat , adn the WebDNA language is so cool, allowing me to create complex solutions in a short amount of time, where i would spend at least 10 times the hours, if i did a similar Perl solution, which should be as fast and secure!/Martin >Tony the Trader in Butte, Montana taught me a >lesson on commerce when I was young. > >We went into his story and asked Tony, a large man >of Italian descent, how much an antique fainting couch >was he had in his store for sale. > >Old Tony sang out Thata wonderfula coucha is-a great-a deal-a >atta towsen dollors! > >To which my mom blurted out What? Are you nuts? Thats >only worth about 50 bucks! > >The lesson was next: > >Tony sang out in a sing-song, low to high tonal response: > >Price-a to high-a? Then you don'ta buy-a! The door-as behind ya! >And Goo-da buya! > >Your humble, > >Mooseman Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: videos.. yak..yak-lets take collection (Gary Richter 1998)
  2. Re: videos.. yak..yak (Martin Gertz Bech 1998)
  3. Re: videos.. yak..yak (The Mooseman 1998)
I have been taught anotherThe price of low quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgottenThat's why I dont do linux, perl etc.Thats excactly where WebCat , adn the WebDNA language is so cool, allowing me to create complex solutions in a short amount of time, where i would spend at least 10 times the hours, if i did a similar Perl solution, which should be as fast and secure!/Martin >Tony the Trader in Butte, Montana taught me a >lesson on commerce when I was young. > >We went into his story and asked Tony, a large man >of Italian descent, how much an antique fainting couch >was he had in his store for sale. > >Old Tony sang out Thata wonderfula coucha is-a great-a deal-a >atta towsen dollors! > >To which my mom blurted out What? Are you nuts? Thats >only worth about 50 bucks! > >The lesson was next: > >Tony sang out in a sing-song, low to high tonal response: > >Price-a to high-a? Then you don'ta buy-a! The door-as behind ya! >And Goo-da buya! > >Your humble, > >Mooseman Martin Gertz Bech


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