Re: Web Catalog and Net Cloak

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numero = 21923
interpreted = N
texte = >>Question: Am I missing something here? Does WebCatalog have a simple, >>elegant way of creating page counters? > >There is a sample called MasterCounter available from > in the samples folder. You get a lot more >control over counters in WebCatalog, because you get to use WebDNA. Rather >than building in some kind of pre-fab counter (which people would >constantly be asking for extra features), we decided to use WebDNA itself.You could also backend WebCat through NetCloak and get the best from both worlds.Map .html to NetCloak in Web* suffix mapping, and then map .html to WebCat in NetCloak.bsm.If you use plug-in version of both WebCat and NetCloak there is next to none overhead doing this since the communication is done through PIXO. ************************************************************* Christer Olsson Stora Nygatan 21 Phone +46 40 791 50 Ljusa Ideer AB S-211 37 Malmoe Fax +46 40 97 99 77 Sweden Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Web Catalog and Net Cloak (Christer Olsson 1998)
  2. Re: Web Catalog and Net Cloak (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  3. Re: Web Catalog and Net Cloak (Gil Poulsen 1998)
  4. Web Catalog and Net Cloak (eVenture Communications 1998)
>>Question: Am I missing something here? Does WebCatalog have a simple, >>elegant way of creating page counters? > >There is a sample called MasterCounter available from > in the samples folder. You get a lot more >control over counters in WebCatalog, because you get to use WebDNA. Rather >than building in some kind of pre-fab counter (which people would >constantly be asking for extra features), we decided to use WebDNA itself.You could also backend WebCat through NetCloak and get the best from both worlds.Map .html to NetCloak in Web* suffix mapping, and then map .html to WebCat in NetCloak.bsm.If you use plug-in version of both WebCat and NetCloak there is next to none overhead doing this since the communication is done through PIXO. ************************************************************* Christer Olsson Stora Nygatan 21 Phone +46 40 791 50 Ljusa Ideer AB S-211 37 Malmoe Fax +46 40 97 99 77 Sweden Christer Olsson


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