Text variables do not show

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 22257
interpreted = N
texte = Try this (WebCat Plugin 3.0.3): [text show=f]MyText=This has show_F[/text]
[text]MyText=this has nothing[/text]
[text show=t]MyText=this has show_T[/text]
Line 1 is not shown. But line 2 is not shown either! But line 3 shows the text!Is there an other implementation for textvariables than for math? The parameter Show=T is not mentioned in the manual and not necessary with math variables. Why for textvariables? Peter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Ostry - Vienna/Austria - www.ostry.com Fon ++43-1-877 74 54 Fax ++43-1-877 74 54-21 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Text variables do not show (bobm 1999)
  2. Re: Text variables do not show (Peter Ostry 1999)
  3. Re: Text variables do not show (Kenneth Grome 1999)
  4. Re: Text variables do not show (Grant Hulbert 1999)
  5. Re: Text variables do not show (Bob Minor 1999)
  6. Text variables do not show (Peter Ostry 1999)
Try this (WebCat Plugin 3.0.3): [text show=f]MyText=This has show_F[/text]
[text]MyText=this has nothing[/text]
[text show=t]MyText=this has show_T[/text]
Line 1 is not shown. But line 2 is not shown either! But line 3 shows the text!Is there an other implementation for textvariables than for math? The parameter Show=T is not mentioned in the manual and not necessary with math variables. Why for textvariables? Peter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Ostry - Vienna/Austria - www.ostry.com Fon ++43-1-877 74 54 Fax ++43-1-877 74 54-21 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Ostry


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