Re: Online magazine- monthly updates and such

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numero = 22549
interpreted = N
texte = At 21:58 Uhr -0800 11.01.1999, Bill Heissenbuttel wrote:>I've got a magazine that will need monthly updates, generally once a month >(but may become bi-monthly). I'm thinking about putting all the info into >one db, with the different issue dates in the db. > >For example, The db will look like this: > >issue location airline AircraftType regn MSN update >02/01/1999 USA ABX Air 767-281 N775AX 22790/LN 90 bought from >... > >and the date will change (the next issue might be 03/01/1999). I am currently working on a website with three magazines (weekly and monthly) and an admin interface for updates. The admin can collect as much data as he likes and when the day comes he just clicks on a button - the new issue goes online and the old one goes into the archive. I have all data in the database. If that is somehow similar to your project, my experiences might be helpful:Do not use dates only, number the issues. And use a field as a flag to mark the records as online or offline. Here are the most relevant fields of my database:Field Example Description of field ------------------------------------------------------------------------ db_ID 12345678 (the SKU) db_Medium aw (code for this magazine) db_Jahr 1999 (year) db_Ausgabe 13 (number of the issue) db_AusgabeID aw_1999_13 (unique code for one issue of one magazine, consists of db_Medium, db_Jahr and db_Ausgabe) db_Artikel 6 (number of one text-article in one issue) db_Status active (can have three states: new, active, old)The system is that I have a code for the specific magazine, a number for the issue of this magazine and numbers for all text-articles within this magazine. It is even easy to link an image to an article if you give it a name which fits into the system. The field db_Status is very important - you will actually have 3 possibilities: a magazine can be online, old (maybe in the archive) and you need a place where you can collect data BEFORE it goes online. If I put you an issue online, WebCat changes all active records to old and all which belongs to the new issue to active. So the admin can work on a new magazine whenever he like and finally it goes smooth online with a mouseclick... :-) Peter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Ostry - Vienna/Austria - Fon ++43-1-877 74 54 Fax ++43-1-877 74 54-21 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Online magazine- monthly updates and such (Bill Heissenbuttel 1999)
  2. Re: Online magazine- monthly updates and such (Peter Ostry 1999)
  3. Re: Online magazine- monthly updates and such (PCS Technical Support 1999)
  4. Re: Online magazine- monthly updates and such (Martin Bech 1999)
  5. Online magazine- monthly updates and such (Bill Heissenbuttel 1999)
At 21:58 Uhr -0800 11.01.1999, Bill Heissenbuttel wrote:>I've got a magazine that will need monthly updates, generally once a month >(but may become bi-monthly). I'm thinking about putting all the info into >one db, with the different issue dates in the db. > >For example, The db will look like this: > >issue location airline AircraftType regn MSN update >02/01/1999 USA ABX Air 767-281 N775AX 22790/LN 90 bought from >... > >and the date will change (the next issue might be 03/01/1999). I am currently working on a website with three magazines (weekly and monthly) and an admin interface for updates. The admin can collect as much data as he likes and when the day comes he just clicks on a button - the new issue goes online and the old one goes into the archive. I have all data in the database. If that is somehow similar to your project, my experiences might be helpful:Do not use dates only, number the issues. And use a field as a flag to mark the records as online or offline. Here are the most relevant fields of my database:Field Example Description of field ------------------------------------------------------------------------ db_ID 12345678 (the SKU) db_Medium aw (code for this magazine) db_Jahr 1999 (year) db_Ausgabe 13 (number of the issue) db_AusgabeID aw_1999_13 (unique code for one issue of one magazine, consists of db_Medium, db_Jahr and db_Ausgabe) db_Artikel 6 (number of one text-article in one issue) db_Status active (can have three states: new, active, old)The system is that I have a code for the specific magazine, a number for the issue of this magazine and numbers for all text-articles within this magazine. It is even easy to link an image to an article if you give it a name which fits into the system. The field db_Status is very important - you will actually have 3 possibilities: a magazine can be online, old (maybe in the archive) and you need a place where you can collect data BEFORE it goes online. If I put you an issue online, WebCat changes all active records to old and all which belongs to the new issue to active. So the admin can work on a new magazine whenever he like and finally it goes smooth online with a mouseclick... :-) Peter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Ostry - Vienna/Austria - Fon ++43-1-877 74 54 Fax ++43-1-877 74 54-21 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Ostry


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