Last Record not recognized?

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numero = 22875
interpreted = N
texte = Hi Webcats:In attempting to set up my tax rates database, I discovered an apparent anomoly, and wonder if any of you have experienced this before.I set a list of WA zip codes and a corresponding tax rate. The list of zips is 484 zip codes long. So, I uploaded my database...and everything worked fine.Until I tested it using the last zip code in the database. Using this last zip code in the database created an error in which the correct tax rate wasn't used (it used the default of 0.00, meaning that the zip code wasn't found in the database).The second to last zip code in the record worked fine. So, I tried inserting a dummy record after the last zip code, and this fixed the problem. But, my question is why did I have this problem? Does webcat routinely not find the last record of a database? Have any of you ever experienced this?Timothy W. KillianeVenture Communications ----------------------------- em: url: ----------------------------- Postal Box 9765 Seattle, WA 98109 ph: 206.559.2200 fx: 206.324.3101 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Last Record not recognized? (PCS Technical Support 1999)
  2. Re: Last Record not recognized? (Gil Poulsen 1999)
  3. Re: Last Record not recognized? (Will Starck 1999)
  4. Last Record not recognized? (eVenture Communications 1999)
  5. Re: Last Record not recognized? (Dave MacLeay 1999)
Hi Webcats:In attempting to set up my tax rates database, I discovered an apparent anomoly, and wonder if any of you have experienced this before.I set a list of WA zip codes and a corresponding tax rate. The list of zips is 484 zip codes long. So, I uploaded my database...and everything worked fine.Until I tested it using the last zip code in the database. Using this last zip code in the database created an error in which the correct tax rate wasn't used (it used the default of 0.00, meaning that the zip code wasn't found in the database).The second to last zip code in the record worked fine. So, I tried inserting a dummy record after the last zip code, and this fixed the problem. But, my question is why did I have this problem? Does webcat routinely not find the last record of a database? Have any of you ever experienced this?Timothy W. KillianeVenture Communications ----------------------------- em: url: ----------------------------- Postal Box 9765 Seattle, WA 98109 ph: 206.559.2200 fx: 206.324.3101 eVenture Communications


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