Re: Changing in a founditems tag

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numero = 23629
interpreted = N
texte = Within your [founditems] loop, put your different chunks of code inside [ShowIf]s based on the [index] value:[FoundItems] [ShowIf [index]=1] Your code for the first item [/ShowIf] [ShowIf [index]!1] Your code for the other items [/ShowIf] [/FoundItems] -DaveAt 7:16 AM 2/12/99, Nitai wrote: >Hi, > >I have the following code on a page: > > >[search db=products.db&wsCategorydatarq=PB_&eqFeaturedatarq=T] >[founditems] > > > > > > > > > >[/founditems] >[/search] >
SRC=Images/[PhotoName] ALT= border=0>[Artikel]Fr. [format .2f][lookup >db=prices.db&lookInField=sku&value=[sku]&returnField=price][/format]
> >Can I make it, that the first founditem is placed in the code above and the >second founditem is placed otherwise, like: > >[Artikel] > >Fr. [format .2f][lookup >db=prices.db&lookInField=sku&value=[sku]&returnField=price][/format] > >SRC=Images/[PhotoName] ALT= border=0> > >What I want to do is to put each founditem somewhere else. > >Do I have to go back to read the manual:-) or can't this be done. > >Sincerely, >Nitai > >*** >MacTrade - >More Mac for your money >EMail: >Fax: 052 / 654 15 59 >*** o--------------- Dave MacLeay --+ o----------- Digital Frontier --+ o--------------- 802.253.8612 --+ o--- --+ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Changing in a founditems tag (Dave MacLeay 1999)
  2. Changing in a founditems tag (Nitai 1999)
Within your [founditems] loop, put your different chunks of code inside [showif]s based on the [index] value:[founditems] [ShowIf [index]=1] Your code for the first item [/ShowIf] [ShowIf [index]!1] Your code for the other items [/ShowIf] [/FoundItems] -DaveAt 7:16 AM 2/12/99, Nitai wrote: >Hi, > >I have the following code on a page: > > >[search db=products.db&wsCategorydatarq=PB_&eqFeaturedatarq=T] >[founditems] > > > > > > > > > >[/founditems] >[/search] >
[cart]&sku=[url][sku][/url]>SRC=Images/[PhotoName] ALT= border=0>[Artikel]Fr. [format .2f][lookup >db=prices.db&lookInField=sku&value=[sku]&returnField=price][/format]
> >Can I make it, that the first founditem is placed in the code above and the >second founditem is placed otherwise, like: > >[Artikel] > >Fr. [format .2f][lookup >db=prices.db&lookInField=sku&value=[sku]&returnField=price][/format] > >[cart]&sku=[url][sku][/url]>SRC=Images/[PhotoName] ALT= border=0> > >What I want to do is to put each founditem somewhere else. > >Do I have to go back to read the manual:-) or can't this be done. > >Sincerely, >Nitai > >*** >MacTrade - >More Mac for your money >EMail: >Fax: 052 / 654 15 59 >*** o--------------- Dave MacLeay --+ o----------- Digital Frontier --+ o--------------- 802.253.8612 --+ o--- --+ Dave MacLeay


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