Re: Search minus first found

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numero = 23773
interpreted = N
texte = >Hi all, > >Anyone got an idea on how this is possible... > >I am creating a conference forum using WebCat. I would like to do a >search, but the results should NOT include the first (eg.) 10 results - >only the results which follows after these... > >I know you probably think ...why do he want to exclude the first 10 >result...?... > >Well, the reason is quite simple. I actually do want to display the first >10 results but then i would like to break for a commercial (banner ad), >then continue to display the remaing results...;) > >Any ideas oyu there ?[search] [founditems] [hideif [index]<11] display stuff here ... [/hideif] [/founditems] [/search]Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Consultant Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Search minus first found (Martin Bech 1999)
  2. Re: Search minus first found (Martin Bech 1999)
  3. Re: Search minus first found (Sandra L. Pitner 1999)
  4. Re: Search minus first found (Kenneth Grome 1999)
  5. Search minus first found (powerpalle1 1999)
>Hi all, > >Anyone got an idea on how this is possible... > >I am creating a conference forum using WebCat. I would like to do a >search, but the results should NOT include the first (eg.) 10 results - >only the results which follows after these... > >I know you probably think ...why do he want to exclude the first 10 >result...?... > >Well, the reason is quite simple. I actually do want to display the first >10 results but then i would like to break for a commercial (banner ad), >then continue to display the remaing results...;) > >Any ideas oyu there ?[search] [founditems] [hideif [index]<11] display stuff here ... [/hideif] [/founditems] [/search]Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Consultant Kenneth Grome


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