Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed

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numero = 34734
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texte = Robert McPeak wrote:> How do I search my orders.db for the contents of a header field or for the > criteria you suggested?this kind of thing:say you save all values of an orderfile to your own custom Orders.db when someone orders something... (where for example I stick the value of [header1] - where I was keeping the affillID during the user's shopping trip - into the 'AffilID' field of my Orders.db). Then on an admin page, you could do something like this:[Search db=Orders.db&neAffilIDdatarq=[blank]&AffilIDsum=T] [!]---now finding all the orders which have any value at all in the 'affilID' field - ie those which stemmed from an affil link - and summarizing by unique affilID--[/!] [FoundItems] Affil # [affilID] has these orders which belong to him:[Search db=Orders.db&eqAffilIDdatarq=[AffilID]&DayOrderedsort=1...] [!]---now finding all the orders which belong to just this one affiliate---[/!] [FoundItems] On [DayOrdered] at [timeOrdered], affil # [AffilID] earned a commission of $[math show=T][OrderTotal]*[CommissionRate][/math] [/FoundItems][/Search][/FoundItems][/Search]> > I tried to search orders from my admin page for a known good entry (I can > see it when I look at the order) in header10 but no luck.We would need to see the code for this admin page to have any idea what you are talking about, let alone troubleshoot it. But at least in my case, I usually don't wade thru long posts full of code. I would recommend trying to learn one idea/technique at a time as you build something you need and get frequent quick help here as you get stuck rather than post a big fat ole chunck of code and say Why doesn't it work?...When you say you tried to seach orders what orders? Stored in a db? What db? Is your search syntax right? Does the db even store the value for header10? If not in a db, where are these orders that you are trying to search and how are you trying to search them? See what I mean? Break it down.Many new users assume we all use storebuilder and know its internal code and know that is what you are asking about. But your best help often comes from people who prefer to write their own custom solutions and may have never even used storebuilder...-John ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (John Butler 2000)
  2. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (John Butler 2000)
  3. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (Robert McPeak 2000)
  4. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (John Butler 2000)
  5. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (Robert McPeak 2000)
  6. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (John Butler 2000)
  7. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (John Butler 2000)
  8. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (John Butler 2000)
  9. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (Robert McPeak 2000)
  10. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (Robert McPeak 2000)
  11. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (Robert McPeak 2000)
  12. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (John Butler 2000)
  13. Re: Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (John Winningham 2000)
  14. Click-through/Referral tracking solution needed (Robert McPeak 2000)
Robert McPeak wrote:> How do I search my orders.db for the contents of a header field or for the > criteria you suggested?this kind of thing:say you save all values of an orderfile to your own custom Orders.db when someone orders something... (where for example I stick the value of [header1] - where I was keeping the affillID during the user's shopping trip - into the 'AffilID' field of my Orders.db). Then on an admin page, you could do something like this:[Search db=Orders.db&neAffilIDdatarq=[blank]&AffilIDsum=T] [!]---now finding all the orders which have any value at all in the 'affilID' field - ie those which stemmed from an affil link - and summarizing by unique affilID--[/!] [founditems] Affil # [affilID] has these orders which belong to him:[Search db=Orders.db&eqAffilIDdatarq=[AffilID]&DayOrderedsort=1...] [!]---now finding all the orders which belong to just this one affiliate---[/!] [founditems] On [DayOrdered] at [timeOrdered], affil # [AffilID] earned a commission of $[math show=T][OrderTotal]*[CommissionRate][/math] [/FoundItems][/Search][/FoundItems][/Search]> > I tried to search orders from my admin page for a known good entry (I can > see it when I look at the order) in header10 but no luck.We would need to see the code for this admin page to have any idea what you are talking about, let alone troubleshoot it. But at least in my case, I usually don't wade thru long posts full of code. I would recommend trying to learn one idea/technique at a time as you build something you need and get frequent quick help here as you get stuck rather than post a big fat ole chunck of code and say Why doesn't it work?...When you say you tried to seach orders what orders? Stored in a db? What db? Is your search syntax right? Does the db even store the value for header10? If not in a db, where are these orders that you are trying to search and how are you trying to search them? See what I mean? Break it down.Many new users assume we all use storebuilder and know its internal code and know that is what you are asking about. But your best help often comes from people who prefer to write their own custom solutions and may have never even used storebuilder...-John ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: John Butler


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