WebMerchant Process Orders errors

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numero = 35765
interpreted = N
texte = I am having trouble getting WebMerchant and CyberCash to work propoerly. We're using version 3.07 of WebCatalog and WebMerchant. Our CyberCash account is valid and functioning.At the bottom of this email is some sample output from WebMerchant, after I hit Process Orders for two test orders. Several things are baffling me about this.-At the top, why do fields from an empty order appear? -Why am I getting the Error: Can't open order file. Ignoring [OrderFile] context message for the empty order and for the first test order? Why doesn't it appear for the second test order? -What is the 0 at the beginning of the second test order, and after the last line of dashes.There are other symptoms as well: After hitting Process Orders, the store administrator receives an email entitled Invalid payMethod in Order File / which reads, Order file 3048157562110518 did not have a payMethod of CC, PC, BK, SH, or VO. Moving to ../WebMerchant/Problems/, for each order, with each differing by order number, of course. As far as I can tell, there is a valid payMethod -- it seems like this portion of the code is looking for the order file using the wrong path.Despite this, the order is processed anyway, generating emails that seem otherwise proper.Diagnosing this has been extremely difficult, as many of the files used in this process are encrypted.Can anyone shed any light on this?-B...=========================================================================== Error: Can't open order file. Ignoring [OrderFile] context status: authnum: response: batchnum: refnum: sequencenum: itemnum: address_response: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Error: Can't open order file. Ignoring [OrderFile] context Processing file 3048247008112680 with CyberCash status: Approved authnum: IM9416 response: Financial Institution Response: authorization approved and captured. batchnum: refnum: AA228488 sequencenum: 3048247008112680 itemnum: address_response: [avs-code] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 Processing file 3048247056112727 with CyberCash status: Approved authnum: IM9417 response: Financial Institution Response: authorization approved and captured. batchnum: refnum: AA228489 sequencenum: 3048247056112727 itemnum: address_response: [avs-code] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://search.smithmicro.com/ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebMerchant Process Orders errors (Bruce Burdick 2000)
  2. Re: WebMerchant Process Orders errors (Sam Lewis 2000)
  3. Re: WebMerchant Process Orders errors (Steven Jarvis 2000)
  4. WebMerchant Process Orders errors (Bruce Burdick 2000)
I am having trouble getting WebMerchant and CyberCash to work propoerly. We're using version 3.07 of WebCatalog and WebMerchant. Our CyberCash account is valid and functioning.At the bottom of this email is some sample output from WebMerchant, after I hit Process Orders for two test orders. Several things are baffling me about this.-At the top, why do fields from an empty order appear? -Why am I getting the Error: Can't open order file. Ignoring [orderfile] context message for the empty order and for the first test order? Why doesn't it appear for the second test order? -What is the 0 at the beginning of the second test order, and after the last line of dashes.There are other symptoms as well: After hitting Process Orders, the store administrator receives an email entitled Invalid payMethod in order file / which reads, order file 3048157562110518 did not have a payMethod of CC, PC, BK, SH, or VO. Moving to ../WebMerchant/Problems/, for each order, with each differing by order number, of course. As far as I can tell, there is a valid payMethod -- it seems like this portion of the code is looking for the order file using the wrong path.Despite this, the order is processed anyway, generating emails that seem otherwise proper.Diagnosing this has been extremely difficult, as many of the files used in this process are encrypted.Can anyone shed any light on this?-B...=========================================================================== Error: Can't open order file. Ignoring [orderfile] context status: authnum: response: batchnum: refnum: sequencenum: itemnum: address_response: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Error: Can't open order file. Ignoring [orderfile] context Processing file 3048247008112680 with CyberCash status: Approved authnum: IM9416 response: Financial Institution Response: authorization approved and captured. batchnum: refnum: AA228488 sequencenum: 3048247008112680 itemnum: address_response: [avs-code] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 Processing file 3048247056112727 with CyberCash status: Approved authnum: IM9417 response: Financial Institution Response: authorization approved and captured. batchnum: refnum: AA228489 sequencenum: 3048247056112727 itemnum: address_response: [avs-code] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://search.smithmicro.com/ Bruce Burdick


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