Grouping items in results page

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 36262
interpreted = N
texte = Someone has posted code that puts search results into a table:[search.........] [founditems] [showif [index]\2][/showif] [/founditems]
[/search]Say I have four or five products that I know will get returned in the search results (apples, oranges, grapes and bananas). I want results that come back looking like this: Green appleRed appleGreen grape 1, green grape 2, green grape 3, green grape 4, green grape 5.Purple grape 1, purple grape 2, purple grape 3, purple grape 4OrangeBanana 1, banana 2, banana 3How do I format the search context so that I can treat grapes and bananas differently from apples and oranges? -- Regards,Christopher Mackay, Director of Technical Services Tantramar Interactive, Tantramar Publishing, phone: 506/364-1097 cell: 364-7659 fax: 536-2409------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Grouping items in results page (Christopher Mackay 2000)
  2. Re: Grouping items in results page (Will Starck 2000)
  3. Re: Grouping items in results page (Will Starck 2000)
  4. Re: Grouping items in results page (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  5. Grouping items in results page (Christopher Mackay 2000)
Someone has posted code that puts search results into a table:[search.........] [founditems] [showif [index]\2][/showif] [/founditems]
[/search]Say I have four or five products that I know will get returned in the search results (apples, oranges, grapes and bananas). I want results that come back looking like this: Green appleRed appleGreen grape 1, green grape 2, green grape 3, green grape 4, green grape 5.Purple grape 1, purple grape 2, purple grape 3, purple grape 4OrangeBanana 1, banana 2, banana 3How do I format the search context so that I can treat grapes and bananas differently from apples and oranges? -- Regards,Christopher Mackay, Director of Technical Services Tantramar Interactive, Tantramar Publishing, phone: 506/364-1097 cell: 364-7659 fax: 536-2409------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Christopher Mackay


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