Re: WYSIWYG Entry of text fields

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 37672
interpreted = N
texte = what about making a display() function to display the current formatting.. and if they still want to edit.. make an edit() function that drops them down to the code? if you really want to make it simple.. you can use javascript input boxes to gather info (say you want texthere to be bolded) and then document.writeln() it to the text area with tags around it?-- celesteMichael Davis wrote:> Nope. I'm dealing with internet neophytes who have been (unfortunately) > brought through computer 101 by babysitters like AOL and Microsoft > Word. They want to be able to select a word in a textarea and then hit > a little square button with a B in it and make the word emboldened. > When I explain that HTML is not that sophisticated yet, they stare at me > with a vapid expression and then bring up some reference to how AOL does > it. What I need is a form area where just the basic text editor > functions are available. Color, Font, Size, Style. Of course, this > would have to interact via post or get with Webcat to store its data, > similarly or exactly like a form. It's one of those things that I just > can't believe hasn't been done already. > > Here is what I dream should be in the HTML spec: >