[tcpconnect] doing nothing

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numero = 37682
interpreted = N
texte = I have a client running WC 4.0.2 rc1 on a Windows box (not sure what windows - I assume some NT variant). In his checkout pages, the code is doing a TCPCONNECT to UPS, but absolutely nothing is being returned. When I run the exact same TCPCONNECT call on my Mac OS X server (same WC rev), it works perfectly fine. The key line is:[text show=f]fullResponse=[tcpconnect host=www.ups.com&port=80][tcpsend][msgOut][/tcpsend][/tcpconnect][/text] [msgOut] is correctly set (verified identical to that sent from my server), but when this is hit on his server, [fullResponse] comes back empty, while on my server it returns a proper response value.It is as though [tcpconnect] is doing nothing at all. I didn't do the original development on this site, but was called in to clean up the messes left behind by the previous developer. During earlier test cycles, this [tcpconnect] problem did not show itself, so I assume it was working fine. The code hasn't changed since then.... one other odditity I found: when I put a [version] tag on this page, I get the value 1.5 returned, while the [version] tag on the admin statistics page returns the correct 4.0.2 rc1 value. Anyone seen this behavior before?Any thoughts or suggestions on getting the [tcpconnect] working properly? Would rebooting the machine be likely to help?Thanks, Brian -- <= Brian C. Fries, BrainScan Software http://www.brainscansoftware.com =>------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://search.smithmicro.com/ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [tcpconnect] doing nothing- SM any help here??? (Brian Fries 2001)
  2. Re: [tcpconnect] doing nothing- SM any help here??? (Jay Van Vark 2001)
  3. Re: [tcpconnect] doing nothing- SM any help here??? (Brian Fries 2001)
  4. Re: [tcpconnect] doing nothing (Brian Fries 2001)
  5. Re: [tcpconnect] doing nothing (Peter Werno 2001)
  6. [tcpconnect] doing nothing (Brian Fries 2001)
I have a client running WC 4.0.2 rc1 on a Windows box (not sure what windows - I assume some NT variant). In his checkout pages, the code is doing a TCPCONNECT to UPS, but absolutely nothing is being returned. When I run the exact same TCPCONNECT call on my Mac OS X server (same WC rev), it works perfectly fine. The key line is:[text show=f]fullResponse=[tcpconnect host=www.ups.com&port=80][tcpsend][msgOut][/tcpsend][/tcpconnect][/text] [msgOut] is correctly set (verified identical to that sent from my server), but when this is hit on his server, [fullResponse] comes back empty, while on my server it returns a proper response value.It is as though [tcpconnect] is doing nothing at all. I didn't do the original development on this site, but was called in to clean up the messes left behind by the previous developer. During earlier test cycles, this [tcpconnect] problem did not show itself, so I assume it was working fine. The code hasn't changed since then.... one other odditity I found: when I put a [version] tag on this page, I get the value 1.5 returned, while the [version] tag on the admin statistics page returns the correct 4.0.2 rc1 value. Anyone seen this behavior before?Any thoughts or suggestions on getting the [tcpconnect] working properly? Would rebooting the machine be likely to help?Thanks, Brian -- <= Brian C. Fries, BrainScan Software http://www.brainscansoftware.com =>------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://search.smithmicro.com/ Brian Fries


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