authorizenet and netscape

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numero = 40816
interpreted = N
texte = has anybody experienced any difficulties in using netscape and authorizenet?For some reason netscape doesn't seem to be working with authorizenet----------------------- in a particular shoppincart, the invoice.tpl page sends all the information to thankyou.tpl, and all the information is added to the shoppingcart, using setheader.Thankyou.tpl shows this information to the customer and asks if the information is correct, and to submit the orders if it is.a form is populated using [orderfile], and is submitted to authorizenetI can actually see the information being displayed in the browser, however when I check the source I can't see the information.and off course the form seems to be empty.Any comments?Webcat 3.X Webstar Mac os 8.XART ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: authorizenet and netscape (John Peacock 2002)
  2. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  3. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Brian Wachter 2002)
  4. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Brian Wachter 2002)
  5. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  6. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Louis A Perosi 2002)
  7. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  8. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  9. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Jesse Williams-Proudman 2002)
  10. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  11. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  12. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Jesse Williams-Proudman 2002)
  13. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Glenn Busbin 2002)
  14. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Glenn Busbin 2002)
  15. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Jesse Williams-Proudman 2002)
  16. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  17. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  18. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Glenn Busbin 2002)
  19. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Jesse Williams-Proudman 2002)
  20. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  21. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Glenn Busbin 2002)
  22. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Jesse Williams-Proudman 2002)
  23. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  24. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Glenn Busbin 2002)
  25. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
  26. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Jesse Williams-Proudman 2002)
  27. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Glenn Busbin 2002)
  28. Re: authorizenet and netscape (Jesse Williams-Proudman 2002)
  29. authorizenet and netscape (Arturo Vargas 2002)
has anybody experienced any difficulties in using netscape and authorizenet?For some reason netscape doesn't seem to be working with authorizenet----------------------- in a particular shoppincart, the invoice.tpl page sends all the information to thankyou.tpl, and all the information is added to the shoppingcart, using setheader.Thankyou.tpl shows this information to the customer and asks if the information is correct, and to submit the orders if it is.a form is populated using [orderfile], and is submitted to authorizenetI can actually see the information being displayed in the browser, however when I check the source I can't see the information.and off course the form seems to be empty.Any comments?Webcat 3.X Webstar Mac os 8.XART ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Arturo Vargas


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