Re: WebDNA Partner edition ..

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numero = 42353
interpreted = N
texte = >> What sort of load/traffic can 10 connections server before people will >> notice ? >It depends on several factors; level of WebDNA complexity, capabilities of >the server, etc... If you have templates that take several seconds to >process, you might only support 10-30 users. But with efficient WebDNA >coding and a fast server, you could support 100 users or more.A faster server helps only so much, of course.The length of time a connection remains open is also very much dependent upon the speed of the data transfer. When the data transfer rates are very slow -- such as in the case of bad phone lines, slow modem connections, and overloaded dial-up services -- the connections will not be released as quickly as they would be if the data could travel at much higher speeds. So this would reduce the number of connections that can be served. Sincerely, Kenneth Grome--------------------------------------------------- WebDNA Professional Training and Development Center 175 J. Llorente Street +63 (32) 255-6921 Cebu City, Cebu 6000 Philippines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (andy mowrey 2002)
  2. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Scott Anderson 2002)
  3. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Brian Fries 2002)
  4. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Scott Anderson 2002)
  5. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Alain Russell 2002)
  6. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Clayton Randall 2002)
  7. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Andrew Simpson 2002)
  8. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Alain Russell 2002)
  9. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Kenneth Grome 2002)
  10. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Alain Russell 2002)
  11. Re: WebDNA Partner edition .. (Scott Anderson 2002)
  12. WebDNA Partner edition .. (Alain Russell 2002)
>> What sort of load/traffic can 10 connections server before people will >> notice ? >It depends on several factors; level of WebDNA complexity, capabilities of >the server, etc... If you have templates that take several seconds to >process, you might only support 10-30 users. But with efficient WebDNA >coding and a fast server, you could support 100 users or more.A faster server helps only so much, of course.The length of time a connection remains open is also very much dependent upon the speed of the data transfer. When the data transfer rates are very slow -- such as in the case of bad phone lines, slow modem connections, and overloaded dial-up services -- the connections will not be released as quickly as they would be if the data could travel at much higher speeds. So this would reduce the number of connections that can be served. Sincerely, Kenneth Grome--------------------------------------------------- WebDNA Professional Training and Development Center 175 J. Llorente Street +63 (32) 255-6921 Cebu City, Cebu 6000 Philippines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Kenneth Grome


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