Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds.

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numero = 42486
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texte = If you have a look at the results you will see our two PC'sThe first one is an Athlon 1800+ and the second is an Athlon 2100+The speed differences for the chips is nominal but the speed difference for the Hard Disks is HUGE.The 1800+ was running a 5400 rpm ATA66 Seagate whereas the 2100+ is running a 7200rpm ATA133 Maxtor. The ATA133 is almost 4 times faster than the ATA66...This could be something for you to look at.The other thing is that the only thing these hard drives had on them at the time of the test was a 5 min old install of windows and webcat and that was pretty much it.Maybe a good old fashion format/reinstall or even a defrag would help. On 12/8/02 12:29 PM, Stuart Tremain wrote:> Question: > > > I am running the Windows Dell 2450 with WebCat 4.0.2 rc1. > > Any ideas why my figures for test 9 & 5 would be so slow. > > It is obviously disc based but how can I improve the performance? > > I have run it a few times and got the same result. > > > Now Windoze jokes please :) > > > > -- Andrew Simpson Web DevelopmentBlackpepper Interactive Ltd PO Box 99805 Newmarket4 Clayton Street Newmarket AucklandPh: +64 9 520-6281 Mob: 0272733270 Fax: +64 9 524-1849 This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Marc Kaiwi 2002)
  2. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Donovan 2002)
  3. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Marc Kaiwi 2002)
  4. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Stuart Tremain 2002)
  5. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Andrew Simpson 2002)
  6. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Stuart Tremain 2002)
  7. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Stuart Tremain 2002)
  8. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Andrew Simpson 2002)
  9. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Bob Minor 2002)
  10. Re: Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Stuart Tremain 2002)
  11. Old Topic - [OT] - server speeds. (Andrew Simpson 2002)
If you have a look at the results you will see our two PC'sThe first one is an Athlon 1800+ and the second is an Athlon 2100+The speed differences for the chips is nominal but the speed difference for the Hard Disks is HUGE.The 1800+ was running a 5400 rpm ATA66 Seagate whereas the 2100+ is running a 7200rpm ATA133 Maxtor. The ATA133 is almost 4 times faster than the ATA66...This could be something for you to look at.The other thing is that the only thing these hard drives had on them at the time of the test was a 5 min old install of windows and webcat and that was pretty much it.Maybe a good old fashion format/reinstall or even a defrag would help. On 12/8/02 12:29 PM, Stuart Tremain wrote:> Question: > > > I am running the Windows Dell 2450 with WebCat 4.0.2 rc1. > > Any ideas why my figures for test 9 & 5 would be so slow. > > It is obviously disc based but how can I improve the performance? > > I have run it a few times and got the same result. > > > Now Windoze jokes please :) > > > > -- Andrew Simpson Web DevelopmentBlackpepper Interactive Ltd PO Box 99805 Newmarket4 Clayton Street Newmarket AucklandPh: +64 9 520-6281 Mob: 0272733270 Fax: +64 9 524-1849 This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Andrew Simpson


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