[OT] Industry standard for missing orders

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numero = 46968
interpreted = N
texte = Good evening-Was wondering if there is an industry standard of sorts for orders that are shipped, show they are delivered, but are claimed to not have been received by the customer. Problem is, the vast majority of our orders are received without incident. We ship via US priority mail because it is a convenience for our customers to receive orders without having to sign for them, and I feel this gives us a competitive edge. We currently use USPS delivery confirmation which has worked quite well for us.*However*Lately, we seem to have an increasing number of packages that the customers claim they have never received, even though the USPS tracking says they were delivered. Most commonly, these are delivered to apartments. The last two have been in the NYC area. After invesigation, it turns out the package was delivered, but the postal worker either left the package without obtaining a signature, or left it in the care of the manager, who left it out in the hallway because it didn't look expensive. I'm beginning to wonder if we're being taken for a ride.So what to do?- I know we can insure all packages, but this seems costly since the vast majority are delivered without incident. - Insist that all apartment dwellers insure their packages at their cost? - Insist on the above in high risk fraud states/cities? (NY, New Jersey,Miami, California) - Tell the customer tough luck it's out of our hands.? - Or ? Any one who's been there, done that care to comment? Our average order runs about $75.00Thanks, --Will Starck NovaDerm Skincare Science http://www.novaderm.com wjs@novaderm.com ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://webdna.smithmicro.com/ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [OT] Industry standard for missing orders (Kenneth Grome 2003)
  2. Re: [OT] Industry standard for missing orders (Charles Kline 2003)
  3. Re: [OT] Industry standard for missing orders (dale 2003)
  4. Re: [OT] Industry standard for missing orders (Donovan 2003)
  5. [OT] Industry standard for missing orders (WJ Starck 2003)
Good evening-Was wondering if there is an industry standard of sorts for orders that are shipped, show they are delivered, but are claimed to not have been received by the customer. Problem is, the vast majority of our orders are received without incident. We ship via US priority mail because it is a convenience for our customers to receive orders without having to sign for them, and I feel this gives us a competitive edge. We currently use USPS delivery confirmation which has worked quite well for us.*However*Lately, we seem to have an increasing number of packages that the customers claim they have never received, even though the USPS tracking says they were delivered. Most commonly, these are delivered to apartments. The last two have been in the NYC area. After invesigation, it turns out the package was delivered, but the postal worker either left the package without obtaining a signature, or left it in the care of the manager, who left it out in the hallway because it didn't look expensive. I'm beginning to wonder if we're being taken for a ride.So what to do?- I know we can insure all packages, but this seems costly since the vast majority are delivered without incident. - Insist that all apartment dwellers insure their packages at their cost? - Insist on the above in high risk fraud states/cities? (NY, New Jersey,Miami, California) - Tell the customer tough luck it's out of our hands.? - Or ? Any one who's been there, done that care to comment? Our average order runs about $75.00Thanks, --Will Starck NovaDerm Skincare Science http://www.novaderm.com wjs@novaderm.com ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://webdna.smithmicro.com/ WJ Starck


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