upload weirdness in IE only

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numero = 61761
interpreted = N
texte = My logic... When a blogger posts a blog, they can upload a photo to appear at the end of that blog. To prevent the chance that 2 photos with the same filename ever get uploaded and one overwrites the other, I attach the "BlogID" to the photo filename at time of upload and when I write the filename to the database. I seem to have enough issues with photos way too large so I'd rather not check and inform of a possible filename conflict and then force that issue on the blogger. Seems some of these bloggers aren't that tech savy, especially since they keep uploading images that are HUGE (darn digital cameras) Attaching the blogID to a filename solves any potential filename conflict. I was staring at the code forever and could see nothing specifically wrong when I decided to do a test with IE and Firefox Internet Explorer seems to make the filename of an uploaded photo a bit screwy. (Duplicating the BlogID) All behaves a-ok in Firefox, which is way weird maybe I'm thinkin' With firefox the photo gets uploaded as Filename: 20050413185109-sl1.jpg With Internet Explorer the photo gets uploaded as Filename: 20050413185325-20050413185325-sl2.jpg The BlogID gets duped in IE Both ways everything is OK and pages and photos appear fine, but the duplicated blogid part is irritating to me and possibly might mean some bad code somewhere??? Why only does this happen in Internet Explorer????? Parts of my Code: code within my blogpost.tpl page:

code within my blogpostvalidator.tpl page: [formvariables] [hideif [url][name][/url]^filename=%22] [text][middle startAfter=name="&endBefore="][name][/middle]=[value][/text] [/hideif] [/formvariables] .. .. .. .. .. .. I have a bunch of showifs here to prevent text entry errors .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [!] - - - - - - - - - Add new Blog Entry if all is OK - - - - - - - - [/!] [showif [text]OK[/text]=T] [showif [user]![lookup db=^/eb/bloggers.db&lookinField=user&value=[uppercase][user][/uppercase]&returnField=user¬Found=NotFound]] [formvariables] [showif [url][name][/url]^[url]"Photo1"[/url]] [text]theFilename=[middle StartAfter=filename="&EndBefore="][name][/middle][/text] [showif [url][theFilename][/url]^[url]:\[/url]][listwords words=[url][theFilename][/url]&delimiters=\][text]tempFilename=[blogid]-[word][/text][/listwords] [!] -- fix for Windows' goofy full-path names [/!] [text]theFilename=[tempFilename][/text] [/showif] [!] = = = = if there is a photo = = = = [/!] [showif [theFilename]!] [writefile file=photos/[blogid]-[theFilename]&secure=F][value][/writefile] [append ^/eb/blogs.db]BlogID=[BlogID]&AllowComments=Yes&Photo1=[url][BlogID]-[theFilename][/url]&Photo1Visible=Yes&CommentTo=NewBlog&BlogTime=[url][BlogTime][/url]&BlogDate=[url][BlogDate][/url]&BlogBy=[Blogby]&BlogTitle=[url][BlogTitle][/url]&BlogText=[url][BlogText][/url]&BlogIPAddress=[IPAddress]&BlogURL=[url][BlogURL][/url]&BlogEmail=[url][BlogEmail][/url]&Visible=Yes&user=[uppercase][username][/uppercase]&pass=[url][lookup db=^/eb/bloggers.db&lookInfield=user&Value=[uppercase][username][/uppercase]&returnField=pass][/url][/append] [/showif] [!] = = = = if there is no photo = = = = [/!] [showif [theFilename]=] [append ^/eb/blogs.db]BlogID=[BlogID]&AllowComments=Yes&CommentTo=NewBlog&BlogTime=[url][BlogTime][/url]&BlogDate=[url][BlogDate][/url]&BlogBy=[Blogby]&BlogTitle=[url][BlogTitle][/url]&BlogText=[url][BlogText][/url]&BlogIPAddress=[IPAddress]&BlogURL=[url][BlogURL][/url]&BlogEmail=[url][BlogEmail][/url]&Visible=Yes&user=[uppercase][username][/uppercase]&pass=[url][lookup db=^/eb/bloggers.db&lookInfield=user&Value=[uppercase][username][/uppercase]&returnField=pass][/url][/append] [/showif]  [/showif] [/formvariables] [!]Maybe Add some Sendmail Stuff here to alert me of a post[/!] [/showif] [/showif]  __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/resources/ ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://webdna.smithmicro.com/ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: upload weirdness in IE only ( Lester 2005)
  2. upload weirdness in IE only ( Lester 2005)
My logic... When a blogger posts a blog, they can upload a photo to appear at the end of that blog. To prevent the chance that 2 photos with the same filename ever get uploaded and one overwrites the other, I attach the "BlogID" to the photo filename at time of upload and when I write the filename to the database. I seem to have enough issues with photos way too large so I'd rather not check and inform of a possible filename conflict and then force that issue on the blogger. Seems some of these bloggers aren't that tech savy, especially since they keep uploading images that are HUGE (darn digital cameras) Attaching the blogID to a filename solves any potential filename conflict. I was staring at the code forever and could see nothing specifically wrong when I decided to do a test with IE and Firefox Internet Explorer seems to make the filename of an uploaded photo a bit screwy. (Duplicating the BlogID) All behaves a-ok in Firefox, which is way weird maybe I'm thinkin' With firefox the photo gets uploaded as Filename: 20050413185109-sl1.jpg With Internet Explorer the photo gets uploaded as Filename: 20050413185325-20050413185325-sl2.jpg The BlogID gets duped in IE Both ways everything is OK and pages and photos appear fine, but the duplicated blogid part is irritating to me and possibly might mean some bad code somewhere??? Why only does this happen in Internet Explorer????? Parts of my Code: code within my blogpost.tpl page:
code within my blogpostvalidator.tpl page: [formvariables] [hideif [url][name][/url]^filename=%22] [text][middle startAfter=name="&endBefore="][name][/middle]=[value][/text] [/hideif] [/formvariables] .. .. .. .. .. .. I have a bunch of showifs here to prevent text entry errors .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [!] - - - - - - - - - Add new Blog Entry if all is OK - - - - - - - - [/!] [showif [text]OK[/text]=T] [showif [user]![lookup db=^/eb/bloggers.db&lookinField=user&value=[uppercase][user][/uppercase]&returnField=user¬Found=NotFound]] [formvariables] [showif [url][name][/url]^[url]"Photo1"[/url]] [text]theFilename=[middle StartAfter=filename="&EndBefore="][name][/middle][/text] [showif [url][theFilename][/url]^[url]:\[/url]][listwords words=[url][theFilename][/url]&delimiters=\][text]tempFilename=[blogid]-[word][/text][/listwords] [!] -- fix for Windows' goofy full-path names [/!] [text]theFilename=[tempFilename][/text] [/showif] [!] = = = = if there is a photo = = = = [/!] [showif [theFilename]!] [writefile file=photos/[blogid]-[theFilename]&secure=F][value][/writefile] [append ^/eb/blogs.db]BlogID=[BlogID]&AllowComments=Yes&Photo1=[url][BlogID]-[theFilename][/url]&Photo1Visible=Yes&CommentTo=NewBlog&BlogTime=[url][BlogTime][/url]&BlogDate=[url][BlogDate][/url]&BlogBy=[Blogby]&BlogTitle=[url][BlogTitle][/url]&BlogText=[url][BlogText][/url]&BlogIPAddress=[ipaddress]&BlogURL=[url][BlogURL][/url]&BlogEmail=[url][BlogEmail][/url]&Visible=Yes&user=[uppercase][username][/uppercase]&pass=[url][lookup db=^/eb/bloggers.db&lookInfield=user&Value=[uppercase][username][/uppercase]&returnField=pass][/url][/append] [/showif] [!] = = = = if there is no photo = = = = [/!] [showif [theFilename]=] [append ^/eb/blogs.db]BlogID=[BlogID]&AllowComments=Yes&CommentTo=NewBlog&BlogTime=[url][BlogTime][/url]&BlogDate=[url][BlogDate][/url]&BlogBy=[Blogby]&BlogTitle=[url][BlogTitle][/url]&BlogText=[url][BlogText][/url]&BlogIPAddress=[ipaddress]&BlogURL=[url][BlogURL][/url]&BlogEmail=[url][BlogEmail][/url]&Visible=Yes&user=[uppercase][username][/uppercase]&pass=[url][lookup db=^/eb/bloggers.db&lookInfield=user&Value=[uppercase][username][/uppercase]&returnField=pass][/url][/append] [/showif]  [/showif] [/formvariables] [!]Maybe Add some Sendmail Stuff here to alert me of a post[/!] [/showif] [/showif]  __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/resources/ ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://webdna.smithmicro.com/ Lester


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