Re: Remove Multiple Line Items

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numero = 62836
interpreted = N
texte = Since this is for the record, if you're talking about inside the math context, then the square brackets around a math variable are optional. Try this: [math show=f]adjustby=0[/math] [math show=f]adjustby=[adjustby]-1[/math] [adjustby] It will return "-1" as desired. The same is NOT true of text variables. -- Brian Fries, BrainScan Software -- -- On Aug 23, 2005, at 3:34 PM, Stuart Tremain wrote: > Terry > > For the archives: There are a few missing [ ] brackets around adjustby > > [showif [trig]=Recalculate] > [math show=f]adjustby=0[/math] > > [formvariables name=qty_&exact=F] > [math show=f]updateitemnumber=[getchars > start=5][name][/getchars]+[adjustby][/math] > > [showif [value]=0] > [removelineitem file=ShoppingCarts/[cart]&index=[updateitemnumber]] > [math show=f]adjustby=[adjustby]-1[/math] > [/showif] > > [hideif [value]=0] > [setlineitem > file=ShoppingCarts/ > [cart]&db=[db]&index=[updateitemnumber]]quantity=[value][/setlineitem] > [/hideif] > [/formvariables] > > [/showif] > > > > Stuart Tremain ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Remove Multiple Line Items ( Stuart Tremain 2005)
  2. Re: Remove Multiple Line Items ( Brian Fries 2005)
  3. Re: Remove Multiple Line Items ( Stuart Tremain 2005)
  4. Re: Remove Multiple Line Items ( Stuart Tremain 2005)
  5. Re: Remove Multiple Line Items ( Stuart Tremain 2005)
  6. Re: Remove Multiple Line Items ( Terry Wilson 2005)
  7. Re: Remove Multiple Line Items ( Kenneth Grome 2005)
  8. Remove Multiple Line Items ( Stuart Tremain 2005)
Since this is for the record, if you're talking about inside the math context, then the square brackets around a math variable are optional. Try this: [math show=f]adjustby=0[/math] [math show=f]adjustby=[adjustby]-1[/math] [adjustby] It will return "-1" as desired. The same is NOT true of text variables. -- Brian Fries, BrainScan Software -- -- On Aug 23, 2005, at 3:34 PM, Stuart Tremain wrote: > Terry > > For the archives: There are a few missing [ ] brackets around adjustby > > [showif [trig]=Recalculate] > [math show=f]adjustby=0[/math] > > [formvariables name=qty_&exact=F] > [math show=f]updateitemnumber=[getchars > start=5][name][/getchars]+[adjustby][/math] > > [showif [value]=0] > [removelineitem file=ShoppingCarts/[cart]&index=[updateitemnumber]] > [math show=f]adjustby=[adjustby]-1[/math] > [/showif] > > [hideif [value]=0] > [setlineitem > file=ShoppingCarts/ > [cart]&db=[db]&index=[updateitemnumber]]quantity=[value][/setlineitem] > [/hideif] > [/formvariables] > > [/showif] > > > > Stuart Tremain ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Brian Fries


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