Re: Running _every_ page through WebCat ?

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numero = 10727
interpreted = N
texte = >Before we investigate that possibility in more detail, does anyone have a >quantitative estimate of how it would impact overall performance. Even a >qualitative estimate would be helpful. We serve up less than 10,000 files >per day (with occasional exceptions :-), so we're not a high volume site. >However, performance is still an issue as it relates to what the >individual visitor sees.If no WebDNA code is in the page, then WebCatalog acts like a RAM cache similar to WebSTAR's data cache (but only on pages you have suffix-mapping set to WebCatalog). WebCatalog does a quick check for and if not found, it doesn't even attempt to execute WebDNA in the page -- it just hands it off to WebSTAR.So if you had no caching abilities on your site before, then WebCatalog actually speeds up your site quite a bit.My unofficial tests using [ElapsedTime] at the top and bottom of pages indicates it takes 1/100 of a second to perform a username/password lookup on a 10,000 record database using [lookup]. [protect] is somewhat slower because it does a lookup based on group names, so it's more complex. The cool thing here compared to WebSTAR's realms is that there is no overhead on a page unless you specifically tell it to be protected. Realms force WebSTAR to authenticate every single URL that comes thru.ClubMac runs a LOT more pages than 10,000/day (I'm not allowed to say exactly how many), and all those pages are run through WebCatalog CGI...plugin would probably be faster, but we're still wrestling with SSL vs non-SSL plugins synchronization.I often see 10 requests go out in a single second on ClubMac. It's a stock PowerMac 7500Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | Tools for WebWarriors Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebCommerce Solution 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court, #462 | SiteEdit, SiteCheck, PhotoMaster San Diego, CA 92128 | 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Running _every_ page through WebCat ? (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  2. Re: Running _every_ page through WebCat ? (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: Running _every_ page through WebCat ? (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  4. Re: Running _every_ page through WebCat ? (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  5. Re: Running _every_ page through WebCat ? (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  6. Re: Running _every_ page through WebCat ? ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  7. Running _every_ page through WebCat ? (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
>Before we investigate that possibility in more detail, does anyone have a >quantitative estimate of how it would impact overall performance. Even a >qualitative estimate would be helpful. We serve up less than 10,000 files >per day (with occasional exceptions :-), so we're not a high volume site. >However, performance is still an issue as it relates to what the >individual visitor sees.If no WebDNA code is in the page, then WebCatalog acts like a RAM cache similar to WebSTAR's data cache (but only on pages you have suffix-mapping set to WebCatalog). WebCatalog does a quick check for and if not found, it doesn't even attempt to execute WebDNA in the page -- it just hands it off to WebSTAR.So if you had no caching abilities on your site before, then WebCatalog actually speeds up your site quite a bit.My unofficial tests using [elapsedtime] at the top and bottom of pages indicates it takes 1/100 of a second to perform a username/password lookup on a 10,000 record database using [lookup]. [protect] is somewhat slower because it does a lookup based on group names, so it's more complex. The cool thing here compared to WebSTAR's realms is that there is no overhead on a page unless you specifically tell it to be protected. Realms force WebSTAR to authenticate every single URL that comes thru.ClubMac runs a LOT more pages than 10,000/day (I'm not allowed to say exactly how many), and all those pages are run through WebCatalog CGI...plugin would probably be faster, but we're still wrestling with SSL vs non-SSL plugins synchronization.I often see 10 requests go out in a single second on ClubMac. It's a stock PowerMac 7500Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | Tools for WebWarriors Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebCommerce Solution 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court, #462 | SiteEdit, SiteCheck, PhotoMaster San Diego, CA 92128 | 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Grant Hulbert


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