Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math]

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numero = 10768
interpreted = N
texte = >>[math]1+2+3+4[/math] > >This returns 10 on my machine with both 68K and PPC plugin, using >b15. Is your example buried deeper inside other tags?No, it follows a search context, so maybe thet's where the problem is ...Okay, I found it! Sorry for the scare, nothing's wrong with the plugin, it's my typing that is causing me these 'perceived' problems (and too much stress as well).I typed the search correctly into the example I sent you ... but I had typed it incorrectly into my test template. Don't worry, everything works fine now - and I sincerely apologize for the mistake in my report and any extra work it caused you.Here's something close to what I started with before I had the same idea as you about simply adding a zero to the end instead of using [hideif] to hide the extra + sign:[search db=hls:listings.db&nebedNumdata=0] [math] [founditems] [bednum][hideif [index]=[numfound]]+[/hideif] [/founditems] [/math] [/search]My error was in forgetting the second bracket after numfound, that's what killed everything else ... :( It's interesting that no error messages were displayed, however. Maybe an error like this kills everything that's supposed to be displayed further down the page, including error messages?Sincerely, Ken Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  3. Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  4. Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  5. Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  6. Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  7. Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  8. Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  9. Re: WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  10. WebCat2b15MacPlugin - showing [math] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
>>[math]1+2+3+4[/math] > >This returns 10 on my machine with both 68K and PPC plugin, using >b15. Is your example buried deeper inside other tags?No, it follows a search context, so maybe thet's where the problem is ...Okay, I found it! Sorry for the scare, nothing's wrong with the plugin, it's my typing that is causing me these 'perceived' problems (and too much stress as well).I typed the search correctly into the example I sent you ... but I had typed it incorrectly into my test template. Don't worry, everything works fine now - and I sincerely apologize for the mistake in my report and any extra work it caused you.Here's something close to what I started with before I had the same idea as you about simply adding a zero to the end instead of using [hideif] to hide the extra + sign:[search db=hls:listings.db&nebedNumdata=0] [math] [founditems] [bednum][hideif [index]=[numfound]]+[/hideif] [/founditems] [/math] [/search]My error was in forgetting the second bracket after numfound, that's what killed everything else ... :( It's interesting that no error messages were displayed, however. Maybe an error like this kills everything that's supposed to be displayed further down the page, including error messages?Sincerely, Ken Kenneth Grome


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