Sense/Disallow HTML tags during $Append

This WebDNA talk-list message is from


It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 10923
interpreted = N
texte = (I'm posting this question to WebDNA-Talk from private email so we can discuss it) ------------------- We would like to use WebCat for different purposes and would like to allow some contributors to use HTML coding when they post forms and disallow some. Is this possible - I have just found global settings for this? Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Sense/Disallow HTML tags during $Append (Grant Hulbert 1997)
(I'm posting this question to WebDNA-Talk from private email so we can discuss it) ------------------- We would like to use WebCat for different purposes and would like to allow some contributors to use HTML coding when they post forms and disallow some. Is this possible - I have just found global settings for this? Grant Hulbert


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