Re: NewCart+Search with one click ?

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numero = 11824
interpreted = N
texte = >I have some thoughts about how to do this, but I'd really like to hear >the opinions of others before going down the wrong path. > >We've been asked if there is a way to set up the store so that a single >click from a visitor at another site would bring the visitor to a >searched listing of products (the products being sold at the remote site) >with a shopping cart automatically assigned. IOW, the owner of the remote >site wants to drop the visitor into our catalog, but only show his >products rather than offer the distraction of our other stuff. > >Any thoughts or suggestions ?Here's something to consider:1- If it's important to hide the search args from the user, you can use the RAW suggestion Marc proposed, or ...2- You can duplicate your results page for this one situation, and enclose the html on that page inside a [search] context with the specific search you want to perform. This technique lets you place a plain old link on the remote page, instead of a link that has the search written into it.3- On the other hand, if it's not critical that you hide the search args, then just use John's suggestion and write your search into a hyperlink, then put that link on the remote page. Nothing special has to be done to make this work ... just make sure you have [cart] somewhere on the results page.Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

>I have some thoughts about how to do this, but I'd really like to hear >the opinions of others before going down the wrong path. > >We've been asked if there is a way to set up the store so that a single >click from a visitor at another site would bring the visitor to a >searched listing of products (the products being sold at the remote site) >with a shopping cart automatically assigned. IOW, the owner of the remote >site wants to drop the visitor into our catalog, but only show his >products rather than offer the distraction of our other stuff. > >Any thoughts or suggestions ?Here's something to consider:1- If it's important to hide the search args from the user, you can use the RAW suggestion Marc proposed, or ...2- You can duplicate your results page for this one situation, and enclose the html on that page inside a [search] context with the specific search you want to perform. This technique lets you place a plain old link on the remote page, instead of a link that has the search written into it.3- On the other hand, if it's not critical that you hide the search args, then just use John's suggestion and write your search into a hyperlink, then put that link on the remote page. Nothing special has to be done to make this work ... just make sure you have [cart] somewhere on the results page.Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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