purchase.log file

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numero = 13529
interpreted = N
texte = From where does the Purchase.log file in the WebMerchant folder come from?I would like to search and sort on this file for different products sold by date, etc., but am unable to determine (easily anyway) exactly what heading the fields may have had.What page(s) creates this file? Thanks.Richard Kwasniewski kwas@webgraphics.com Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: purchase.log file (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. purchase.log file (Rich Kwasniewski 1997)
From where does the Purchase.log file in the WebMerchant folder come from?I would like to search and sort on this file for different products sold by date, etc., but am unable to determine (easily anyway) exactly what heading the fields may have had.What page(s) creates this file? Thanks.Richard Kwasniewski kwas@webgraphics.com Rich Kwasniewski


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