Quantity * price

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numero = 15474
interpreted = N
texte = Hi there,The cell Quantity*Price in the ShopingCart.tmpl file is no updated until the final checkout.Now, If I have a field with a minimum amount of some product and I give it this value as follows:I spected the ShopingCart.tmpl file shows this operation when I add a product but it doesn't it does the operation until the final checkout.I did the operation tags in the ShopingCart.tmpl file as follows:$[format .2f][math][quantity]*[price][/math][/format]How can I implement this?Regards.Rodolfo de la Garza Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Quantity * price (listas 1997)
  2. Quantity * price (listas 1997)
Hi there,The cell Quantity*Price in the ShopingCart.tmpl file is no updated until the final checkout.Now, If I have a field with a minimum amount of some product and I give it this value as follows:I spected the ShopingCart.tmpl file shows this operation when I add a product but it doesn't it does the operation until the final checkout.I did the operation tags in the ShopingCart.tmpl file as follows:$[format .2f][math][quantity]*[price][/math][/format]How can I implement this?Regards.Rodolfo de la Garza listas


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