Re: problem (how to mark orders as 'opened')

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numero = 17401
interpreted = N
texte = (Natalie) >... I need some mark near the cart number which will say >something like: opened by Natalie (date), so I will open only the >orders which do not have such mark.---------- Easiest way to keep files apart: Move the files into different folders and name the folders like users who worked with this files. If you need information abut the files within WebCat you can ask for modification date or something else with [listfiles]. I suggest moving the files into a different folder anyway, it will make all things possible you will invent after this... ;-) ---------- If you want to develop a sophisticated system which is better manageable within WebCat and on finder level (i.e. AppleScript) you can include necessary information in the filename and store full filenames and extracted information within a database.Example (rough description):Use login names with fixed length. Add username, date and time to the filenames as prefix once they were opened and move the files into a different folder. Use a naming convention like this one: (user)(date&time)(cart) (user) -> [username] -> three character login-name. (date&time) -> [date %Y%m%d%H%M%S] -> 14 digits for date and time. (cart) -> name of original cart. That makes 17 characters for information and leaves 15 digits for the cart name because you should not exceed 32 characters. I did not use standard [date] and [time] because the separators produce longer filenames... Please check if cart numbers can grow longer than 15 digits, I don't know that yet. Or generate your own names.For the user NMR and a cart 1234567890 construct the new filename: [MOVEFILE path=/orders/new/1234567890 &to=/orders/done/[username][date %Y%m%d%H%M%S]1234567890] You will get for example: NMR199804301302431234567890 (which means actually NMR-1998/04/30-13:02:43-1234567890)With this method you have known positions for all information. And if it is time to pull out some information or store everything in a database you get all parts of the name NMR199804301302431234567890 with [GetChars] within a [ListFiles]-loop: [ListFiles /orders/done/] [Append OrdersDone.db] user=[GetChars start=1&end=3][FileName][/GetChars] &date=[GetChars start=4&end=11][FileName][/GetChars] &time=[GetChars start=12&end=17[FileName][/GetChars] &cart=[GetChars start=18&end=100][FileName][/GetChars] [/Append] [/ListFiles] ----------Peter__________________________________________ Peter Ostry - - Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: problem (how to mark orders as 'opened') (Peter Ostry 1998)
  2. Re: problem (how to mark orders as 'opened') (natasha 1998)
  3. Re: problem (how to mark orders as 'opened') (PCS Technical Support 1998)
(Natalie) >... I need some mark near the cart number which will say >something like: opened by Natalie (date), so I will open only the >orders which do not have such mark.---------- Easiest way to keep files apart: Move the files into different folders and name the folders like users who worked with this files. If you need information abut the files within WebCat you can ask for modification date or something else with [listfiles]. I suggest moving the files into a different folder anyway, it will make all things possible you will invent after this... ;-) ---------- If you want to develop a sophisticated system which is better manageable within WebCat and on finder level (i.e. AppleScript) you can include necessary information in the filename and store full filenames and extracted information within a database.Example (rough description):Use login names with fixed length. Add username, date and time to the filenames as prefix once they were opened and move the files into a different folder. Use a naming convention like this one: (user)(date&time)(cart) (user) -> [username] -> three character login-name. (date&time) -> [date %Y%m%d%H%M%S] -> 14 digits for date and time. (cart) -> name of original cart. That makes 17 characters for information and leaves 15 digits for the cart name because you should not exceed 32 characters. I did not use standard [date] and [time] because the separators produce longer filenames... Please check if cart numbers can grow longer than 15 digits, I don't know that yet. Or generate your own names.For the user NMR and a cart 1234567890 construct the new filename: [MOVEFILE path=/orders/new/1234567890 &to=/orders/done/[username][date %Y%m%d%H%M%S]1234567890] You will get for example: NMR199804301302431234567890 (which means actually NMR-1998/04/30-13:02:43-1234567890)With this method you have known positions for all information. And if it is time to pull out some information or store everything in a database you get all parts of the name NMR199804301302431234567890 with [getchars] within a [listfiles]-loop: [ListFiles /orders/done/] [Append OrdersDone.db] user=[GetChars start=1&end=3][FileName][/GetChars] &date=[GetChars start=4&end=11][FileName][/GetChars] &time=[GetChars start=12&end=17[FileName][/GetChars] &cart=[GetChars start=18&end=100][FileName][/GetChars] [/Append] [/ListFiles] ----------Peter__________________________________________ Peter Ostry - - Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21 Peter Ostry


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