Technical References - [movefile]

This instructions move a file from one location to another, inside your website

numero = 193
interpreted = N
texte = MOVING a FILE [ movefile from=path&to=path] Copies the file to a new location, and then deletes the original one once the new file is safely written to disk. If a file by the same name already exists, [movefile] will overwrite it. You may specify a different folder for the file to be moved to. Example Putting [movefile from=fred&to=wilma] in your template immediately moves the file called "fred" to another file called "wilma," and deletes the file "fred" after the move is complete. See also [writefile], [appendfile], [createfolder], [copyfile], [copyfolder], [deletefile] and [deletefolder] MOVING a FILE
[ movefile from=path&to=path]
Copies the file to a new location, and then deletes the original one once the new file is safely written to disk. If a file by the same name already exists, [movefile] will overwrite it. You may specify a different folder for the file to be moved to.

Putting [movefile from=fred&to=wilma] in your template immediately moves the file called "fred" to another file called "wilma," and deletes the file "fred" after the move is complete.

See also [writefile], [appendfile], [createfolder], [copyfile], [copyfolder], [deletefile] and [deletefolder]


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