Re: Store Builder, technical infos

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numero = 20942
interpreted = N
texte = >Is there any technical documentation about Store Builder? Although the >solution is powerful we need some adaptations in Europe. >Just some simple cases: >- Taxes depend on the class/type of the product. We apply 6% on books, for >example, but 21% on computer products. >- Shipping is a taxable product. >- In Belgium, we'll have to display prices in Euro and BF since on January 1999 > >Instead of modifying the generated store, I think it's better to adapt >Store Builder for our needs.I disagree.I think it's better to modify your generated store to make whatever kind of customized site you really need. PCS cannot possibly hope to come up with a StoreBuilder that does everything for everyone, especially when an infinity number of possible store permutations exist. StoreBuilder's purpose is to create a 'starter store' for you, not to give you a finished product.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Store Builder, technical infos (Ross Markbreiter 1998)
  2. Re: Store Builder, technical infos (helene 1998)
  3. Re: Store Builder, technical infos (John Hill 1998)
  4. Re: Store Builder, technical infos (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  5. Store Builder, technical infos (helene 1998)
>Is there any technical documentation about Store Builder? Although the >solution is powerful we need some adaptations in Europe. >Just some simple cases: >- Taxes depend on the class/type of the product. We apply 6% on books, for >example, but 21% on computer products. >- Shipping is a taxable product. >- In Belgium, we'll have to display prices in Euro and BF since on January 1999 > >Instead of modifying the generated store, I think it's better to adapt >Store Builder for our needs.I disagree.I think it's better to modify your generated store to make whatever kind of customized site you really need. PCS cannot possibly hope to come up with a StoreBuilder that does everything for everyone, especially when an infinity number of possible store permutations exist. StoreBuilder's purpose is to create a 'starter store' for you, not to give you a finished product.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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