creating a discount coupon for shopping cart

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numero = 22720
interpreted = N
texte = Hi. I'd like to create a $5 coupon that shoppers can pick up and place in their basket for Valentine Day preorders.There's a couple of rules though...only one coupon per customer (am not using cookies, so perhaps the rule is actually per purchase), and a minimum purchase amount of say, $25.Has anyone implemented something like this? I'd like to hear how your coupon has worked, and any gotchas to watch out for! Thanks in advance,Dale Stokdyk p.s. --tried to search the archives for this topic this morning, but gave up. Way s_l_o_w! Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: creating a discount coupon for shopping cart (Howard Wolosky 1999)
  2. creating a discount coupon for shopping cart (Dale Stokdyk 1999)
Hi. I'd like to create a $5 coupon that shoppers can pick up and place in their basket for Valentine Day preorders.There's a couple of rules though...only one coupon per customer (am not using cookies, so perhaps the rule is actually per purchase), and a minimum purchase amount of say, $25.Has anyone implemented something like this? I'd like to hear how your coupon has worked, and any gotchas to watch out for! Thanks in advance,Dale Stokdyk p.s. --tried to search the archives for this topic this morning, but gave up. Way s_l_o_w! Dale Stokdyk


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