Technical References - [SQLdisconnect]

numero = 277
interpreted = N
texte = [SQLdisconnect conn_ref=] [SQLdisconnect] will close the database connection, releasing any resources (including any and all SQLResult variables) associated with the connection, and the [SQLConnect] variable name is freed and available for use again. All SQL connections are terminated at the end of template execution anyway, so it is not required to use [SQLdisconnect]. However, it can come in handy if you wish to iterate several connections, re-using the same connection variable name for each connection.
conn_ref (or just 'ref')(Required) - The name of the SQLConnect variable you have created via the conn_var (or var) parameter of a [SQLconnect] context you have already successfully executed.
[SQLdisconnect conn_ref=]

[SQLdisconnect] will close the database connection, releasing any resources (including any and all SQLResult variables) associated with the connection, and the [SQLconnect] variable name is freed and available for use again.
All SQL connections are terminated at the end of template execution anyway, so it is not required to use [SQLdisconnect]. However, it can come in handy if you wish to iterate several connections, re-using the same connection variable name for each connection.

conn_ref (or just 'ref')(Required) - The name of the SQLConnect variable you have created via the conn_var (or var) parameter of a [SQLconnect] context you have already successfully executed.


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