Hideif on IP range

This will show or hide stuff according to the IP

numero = 44
interpreted = N
texte =
[If ("[ipaddress]">"")[!][/!]&("[ipaddress]"<""][Then]Don't show stuff[/Then][Else]Show stuff[/Else][/If]
Note that IP addresses must be expressed as three-digit quadrants. Also notice the use of comment tags ([!] and [/!]) in this example to break the code into lines for ease of reading. Line breaks within a tag are not allowed.
[If ("[ipaddress]">"")[!]
[Then]Don't show stuff[/Then]
[Else]Show stuff[/Else]

Note that IP addresses must be expressed as three-digit quadrants.

Also notice the use of comment tags ([!] and [/!]) in this example to break the code into lines for ease of reading. Line breaks within a tag are not allowed. Tim Robinson


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