Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's

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numero = 10076
interpreted = N
texte = >Before I purchased my WebCommerce Lite solution I asked if it would be possible >to serve both a secure and unsecure version of our catalog. The answer >given to me was yes.Just run both WebStar and WebStar/SSL in the same folder. It's just one copy of WebCatalog running, but when people hit your https side, everything gets shunted through SSL. We do this on our main site, and it works quite well because the maintenance for both SSL and non-SSL is automatic.As for getting multiple licenses of WebCatalog, the _real_ issue here is that you want more than one database on your site. There are two good answers that solve your problem: one is a workaround, and the other is the real solution.Workaround: Set aside an integer field in your single catalog.txt file that represents which pseudo-database the record belongs to. Make separate search templates for each of your databases that contain hidden fields that require the integer field to be #1, #2, #3, etc. (to keep your site clean, remember that template files can be inside folders, you just need to specify a relative path to them like $search&template=:customer1folder:search.html)record #1: int1 = 1 (means your customer #1) text5 = whatever info they want to storerecord #2: int1 = 1 (again, customer #1's record) text5 = whateverrecord #3: int1 = 2 (means your customer #2) text5 = customer2's data for the text5 fieldSearchPage1: (customer #1's own unique search page)
search for these words: ------------------------------ The Real Solution: Get a multi-database version of WebCatalog that can open as many separate databases simultaneously as you want. Cost? Free, because you all get a year's worth of updates to WebCatalog for free. How can we afford to continue enhancing our software and give free updates for a year? By charging a reasonable price for the product and streamlining tech support via email and FAQs and talk-lists and other cool technological ways of keeping our costs down.I strongly resent any implication that we are charging too much to our customers or somehow are greedy with our licensing arrangements...we always tell people the workaround whenever they ask how to handle multiple databases (rather than trying to upsell them to another copy of WebCatalog). We offer incredible reseller's pricing so that you can sell WebCatalog to each of your clients and make a great profit if you choose to. And unlike Microsoft, we don't charge for every single niggling little update, nor do we charge for email tech support.The next version of WebCatalog will let you open as many databases as you want, each of which can have a completely different schema (no more strict 27-fields!) with any field names you choose. It will be relational as well, and the speed will stay the same or increase. Where else can you get a web database that's 100x faster than SQL, is inherently multi-user, remotely administered thru the web, gives you free updates for a year, runs like lightning on both Mac and NT, and has friendly people like me to answer your tech support questions?When will the next version release? 20 minutes later than originally scheduled, thanks to me having to write this defense piece. Real answer: this year. Sooner if people start using email for tech suport instead of calling.Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | Tools for WebWarriors Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebCommerce Solution 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court, #462 | SiteEdit, SiteCheck, PhotoMill San Diego, CA 92128 | 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Grant Hulbert 1996)
  2. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (mike) 1996)
  3. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Bob Beaton) 1996)
  4. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (mike) 1996)
  5. Re:Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Bob Beaton) 1996)
  6. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Michael E. Cantrall) 1996)
  7. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Grant Hulbert 1996)
  8. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Erikheath A.Thomas) 1996)
  9. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Erikheath A.Thomas) 1996)
  10. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (allan 1996)
  11. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Jay Van Vark 1996)
  12. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (allan 1996)
  13. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Jay Van Vark 1996)
  14. Re:Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Jay Van Vark 1996)
  15. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Johann Weber 1996)
  16. Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Amos Goh Yoong Shing) 1996)
  17. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Johann Weber 1996)
>Before I purchased my WebCommerce Lite solution I asked if it would be possible >to serve both a secure and unsecure version of our catalog. The answer >given to me was yes.Just run both WebStar and WebStar/SSL in the same folder. It's just one copy of WebCatalog running, but when people hit your https side, everything gets shunted through SSL. We do this on our main site, and it works quite well because the maintenance for both SSL and non-SSL is automatic.As for getting multiple licenses of WebCatalog, the _real_ issue here is that you want more than one database on your site. There are two good answers that solve your problem: one is a workaround, and the other is the real solution.Workaround: Set aside an integer field in your single catalog.txt file that represents which pseudo-database the record belongs to. Make separate search templates for each of your databases that contain hidden fields that require the integer field to be #1, #2, #3, etc. (to keep your site clean, remember that template files can be inside folders, you just need to specify a relative path to them like $search&template=:customer1folder:search.html)record #1: int1 = 1 (means your customer #1) text5 = whatever info they want to storerecord #2: int1 = 1 (again, customer #1's record) text5 = whateverrecord #3: int1 = 2 (means your customer #2) text5 = customer2's data for the text5 fieldSearchPage1: (customer #1's own unique search page) search for these words: ------------------------------ The Real Solution: Get a multi-database version of WebCatalog that can open as many separate databases simultaneously as you want. Cost? Free, because you all get a year's worth of updates to WebCatalog for free. How can we afford to continue enhancing our software and give free updates for a year? By charging a reasonable price for the product and streamlining tech support via email and FAQs and talk-lists and other cool technological ways of keeping our costs down.I strongly resent any implication that we are charging too much to our customers or somehow are greedy with our licensing arrangements...we always tell people the workaround whenever they ask how to handle multiple databases (rather than trying to upsell them to another copy of WebCatalog). We offer incredible reseller's pricing so that you can sell WebCatalog to each of your clients and make a great profit if you choose to. And unlike Microsoft, we don't charge for every single niggling little update, nor do we charge for email tech support.The next version of WebCatalog will let you open as many databases as you want, each of which can have a completely different schema (no more strict 27-fields!) with any field names you choose. It will be relational as well, and the speed will stay the same or increase. Where else can you get a web database that's 100x faster than SQL, is inherently multi-user, remotely administered thru the web, gives you free updates for a year, runs like lightning on both Mac and NT, and has friendly people like me to answer your tech support questions?When will the next version release? 20 minutes later than originally scheduled, thanks to me having to write this defense piece. Real answer: this year. Sooner if people start using email for tech suport instead of calling.Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | Tools for WebWarriors Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebCommerce Solution 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court, #462 | SiteEdit, SiteCheck, PhotoMill San Diego, CA 92128 | 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Grant Hulbert


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