WebDNA FastCGI 8.1 for CentOS 6 with apache
numero = 1024WebDNA can be used for free after installation. Just install, and try it out!
If you need extra speed for a production server use, visit store.webdna.us to purchase a certificate that will be related to your domain name. The certificate unlocks a built-in accelerator for multi-threading. See the requirements section regarding distributions supported.Thank you for considering WebDNA, the fastest growing and most useful Web Development Tool on the planet! Version: 8.1File size: 3328528Requirements: A fresh install of CentOS 6 64 bit.This method is not suitable to update WebDNA and previous installation will be overwritten. It must be a fresh WebDNA install on a default CentOS 6
Installation process ("run "command"" means you should type the command without surrounding quotes to command line and press "Enter").Open a terminal window, log in to your server and become root on your server (run "su" command there).suEnter root's password when requested (the password will not be echoed).On success, the command will change a command prompt so that it will end with a "#" sign.Create a file named "webdna.repo" in your /etc/yum.repos.d directory with the following content:
[webdna]name=WebDNA packagesbaseurl=http://deb.webdna.us/centos6/gpgcheck=0enabled=1If you don't know how to create a file and edit it, you can cut and paste the following command:
echo >/etc/yum.repos.d/webdna.repo <<END_OF_SNIPPET[webdna]name=WebDNA packagesbaseurl=http://deb.webdna.us/centos6/gpgcheck=0enabled=1END_OF_SNIPPETOf course you should make sure no webdna.repo file exists BEFORE you running the command, because the command will REPLACE the file's contents if it existed before.Because CentOS 6's standard repository doesn't contain mod_fcgid, you will need to include so called EPEL repository to your repository configuration. To achieve that, do the following steps:
rpm --import https://fedoraproject.org/static/0608B895.txtwget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpmrpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm(Alternatively, you can follow a procedure described on the EPEL packages page).Run "yum install webdna-fcgi-apache2":
yum install webdna-fcgi-apache2yum will ask you if you want do install the software and its dependencies.Accept it (press "y" and "enter").After the software will be installed, it must be enabled to interact with your apache/httpd installation. To do the configuration, run a supplied configuration tool, /usr/sbin/webdna-configurator-fcgi:
webdna-configurator-fcgiThe tool will find your configured http virtual hosts and offer you to configure WebDNA software for each of them. After the configration will be complete, the tool will reload your httpd to apply the configuration done.The configurator will take care of the dependencies, directories, permissions etc...If you have problems installing or configuring WebDNA, please send an email to our support team: support@webdna.us, and we will help you.Thank you for using WebDNA!WebDNA Software Corp. Dev Team. Platform:CentOS 6
WebDNA can be used for free after installation. Just install, and try it out!
This method is not suitable to update WebDNA and previous installation will be overwritten. It must be a fresh WebDNA install on a default CentOS 6
name=WebDNA packages
echo >/etc/yum.repos.d/webdna.repo <<END_OF_SNIPPETOf course you should make sure no webdna.repo file exists BEFORE you running the command, because the command will REPLACE the file's contents if it existed before.
name=WebDNA packages
rpm --import https://fedoraproject.org/static/0608B895.txt(Alternatively, you can follow a procedure described on the EPEL packages page).
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum install webdna-fcgi-apache2
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