Re: [WebDNA] [announce] MacTel 6.2 Minor Fixes / New Installer

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 102772
interpreted = N
texte = Hello, I've uploaded what is hopefully the final MacTel installer. I want to apologize for my previous post regarding the "second" MacTel installer. I forgot to link to the new file in the admin apparently, so you all never were able to download it! :-/ I guess the good news then is that this installer will offer some noticeable improvements over what has been seen in the past. Most of the changes have to do with the ease of installation, and the clarity of the README document. However, here is a short listing of changes since the original 6.2 build: - "format=" bug fix. - several admin pages grammar errors. - changes to some of the default values of the admin pages. - we no longer assume .html and .htm are to be mapped to WebDNA (ie. webdna.conf) - The installer now includes an AppleScript "" App, that does most of the installation for you. - Both the installer ad the README-FIRST doc are more accurate and easier to understand. Happy Friday! Donovan -- Donovan Brooke WebDNA Software Corporation **[Square Bracket Utopia]** Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] [announce] MacTel 6.2 Minor Fixes / New Installer (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  2. [WebDNA] [announce] MacTel 6.2 Minor Fixes / New Installer (Donovan Brooke 2009)
Hello, I've uploaded what is hopefully the final MacTel installer. I want to apologize for my previous post regarding the "second" MacTel installer. I forgot to link to the new file in the admin apparently, so you all never were able to download it! :-/ I guess the good news then is that this installer will offer some noticeable improvements over what has been seen in the past. Most of the changes have to do with the ease of installation, and the clarity of the README document. However, here is a short listing of changes since the original 6.2 build: - "format=" bug fix. - several admin pages grammar errors. - changes to some of the default values of the admin pages. - we no longer assume .html and .htm are to be mapped to WebDNA (ie. webdna.conf) - The installer now includes an AppleScript "" App, that does most of the installation for you. - Both the installer ad the README-FIRST doc are more accurate and easier to understand. Happy Friday! Donovan -- Donovan Brooke WebDNA Software Corporation **[Square Bracket Utopia]** Donovan Brooke


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