WebDNA needs to be thought of as the Web Application Hacker's preferred weapon
Online object orientation is anecdotal
numero = 103
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texte = It's interesting to look at ECMA standards. Every software company seems to marching toward the ECMA standard for being object oriented.Now in Grand Theft Auto, the benefit of objects and their interaction is obvious. Great way to deal with the challenges of that environment. But online, object orientation is anecdotal. First, because the nature of every web page is a collection of individual objects that trigger actions when clicked. Those action are usually pretty simple and probably don't need further breaking down into more objects, unless the goal is to just make everything more confusing.Macromedia proceeded to deeply rethink a perfectly good scripting environment toward "pure" ECMA compliance. When I think of how Flash is useful in a website, however, the importance or even the purpose of ECMA compliance is lost on me. I've been programming since 1976 in lots of different languages and only now do I see steps "forward" in scripting languages that make it so much worse. The "pure" syntax is an exercise somewhere in the extremes of logic that has no meaningful benefits that I can see.Yes, I've heard that the new ActionScript runs much faster. I refuse to believe that the syntax is responsible for the boost. It's just a better interpreter. They have to lie about the source of the speed improvement to hide the fact that the syntax is an embarrassing, counterintuitive mess.Individual web buttons on a page define the "objects" of the HTML environment. Once clicked, the processes seem to always be sequential, where the benefits of an object oriented scripting environment have no meaning or usefulness. You just need a quick way to hack text mercilessly.
That where WebDNA excels. It is the final hack on everything emitted from the server, and those hacks can be as sophisticated or interative as any user could ever want or need.WebDNA needs to be thought of as the Web Application Hacker's preferred weapon. I have had tremendous success selling "prototype" web applications rather than "regular" ones, whatever they are. Maybe they're the ones that the client couldn't get working.A prototype web app is a mock up with basic functionality that operates on a separate, exported set of data provided by the client. I build a normal website but present it as a less expensive and quicker way to get to a working model, which will allow the client to better design the finished site and get a proper handle on the costs. I've never had a prototype that didn't become permanent. Selling this way also excuses my completely avoiding the need to blurt forth a turrets-like list of goofy acronyms. Because I'm not interfacing with anything of theirs, they don't care what I use to get them a working model.Once they see that mine works and theirs does not, they ask if they can just use the prototype and my future is secure.
It's interesting to look at ECMA standards. Every software company seems to marching toward the ECMA standard for being object oriented.
Now in Grand Theft Auto, the benefit of objects and their interaction is obvious. Great way to deal with the challenges of that environment. But online, object orientation is anecdotal. First, because the nature of every web page is a collection of individual objects that trigger actions when clicked. Those action are usually pretty simple and probably don't need further breaking down into more objects, unless the goal is to just make everything more confusing.
Macromedia proceeded to deeply rethink a perfectly good scripting environment toward "pure" ECMA compliance. When I think of how Flash is useful in a website, however, the importance or even the purpose of ECMA compliance is lost on me. I've been programming since 1976 in lots of different languages and only now do I see steps "forward" in scripting languages that make it so much worse. The "pure" syntax is an exercise somewhere in the extremes of logic that has no meaningful benefits that I can see.
Yes, I've heard that the new ActionScript runs much faster. I refuse to believe that the syntax is responsible for the boost. It's just a better interpreter. They have to lie about the source of the speed improvement to hide the fact that the syntax is an embarrassing, counterintuitive mess.
Individual web buttons on a page define the "objects" of the HTML environment. Once clicked, the processes seem to always be sequential, where the benefits of an object oriented scripting environment have no meaning or usefulness. You just need a quick way to hack text mercilessly.
That where WebDNA excels. It is the final hack on everything emitted from the server, and those hacks can be as sophisticated or interative as any user could ever want or need.
WebDNA needs to be thought of as the Web Application Hacker's preferred weapon. I have had tremendous success selling "prototype" web applications rather than "regular" ones, whatever they are. Maybe they're the ones that the client couldn't get working.
A prototype web app is a mock up with basic functionality that operates on a separate, exported set of data provided by the client. I build a normal website but present it as a less expensive and quicker way to get to a working model, which will allow the client to better design the finished site and get a proper handle on the costs. I've never had a prototype that didn't become permanent. Selling this way also excuses my completely avoiding the need to blurt forth a turrets-like list of goofy acronyms. Because I'm not interfacing with anything of theirs, they don't care what I use to get them a working model.
Once they see that mine works and theirs does not, they ask if they can just use the prototype and my future is secure.
Patrick McCormick
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