Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion

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numero = 103820
interpreted = N
texte = > > Why not change switch/case so that it only displays the first > > matching case? It displays all matching cases right now, and that's > > why I have never used it -- because I want it to display only the > > first matching case just like similar functions in other languages. > > > IIRC, switch case in PHP matches any all cases after the first > matching case.. until/unless it hits a break; statement. So maybe all webdna needs is a break statement which it currently does not have. Actually it has one, but it only works for [loop] -- not for [switch]. Sincerely, Ken Grome Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion - [listwords] delimiter change (Govinda 2009)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Govinda 2009)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Dan Strong 2009)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Brian Fries 2009)
  6. RE: [WebDNA] lists opinion ("Terry Nair" 2009)
  7. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion ("Terry Wilson" 2009)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Kenneth Grome 2009)
  9. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Govinda 2009)
  10. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Kenneth Grome 2009)
  11. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Govinda 2009)
  12. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  13. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion - [listwords] delimiter change (Brian Fries 2009)
  14. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion - [listwords] delimiter change (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  15. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Brian Fries 2009)
  16. Re: [WebDNA] lists opinion (Govinda 2009)
  17. [WebDNA] lists opinion (Donovan Brooke 2009)
> > Why not change switch/case so that it only displays the first > > matching case? It displays all matching cases right now, and that's > > why I have never used it -- because I want it to display only the > > first matching case just like similar functions in other languages. > > > IIRC, switch case in PHP matches any all cases after the first > matching case.. until/unless it hits a break; statement. So maybe all webdna needs is a break statement which it currently does not have. Actually it has one, but it only works for [loop] -- not for [switch]. Sincerely, Ken Grome Kenneth Grome


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