Re: [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber

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numero = 105531
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texte = > Ken, > > Thanks for that. I think I'll stick to using cart for record IDs > then. > > A follow up question, if I am doing a bulk append to a db then I can > only create one [cart] on a template, so if I use the following > within a search context am I safe in not creating duplicate cart IDs: > > [search db=import.db&neIDdatarq=find_all][founditems] > > [append db=appendto.db]recordID=[cart][index][/append] > > [/founditems][/search] > > Thanks > - Tom Hi Tom, in the situation you just asked about, I have been in the habit of writing the IDs like this: [founditems] [append db=appendto.db]recordID=[cart]_[index][/append] [/founditems] ...because unless one knows *exactly* how cart strings are created... and what all are their possible values.. then conceivably a cart string could have already in the past been what you were about to write with your current (this page render) [cart] concatenated with one more digit (the [index]). RIght? But by separating the [cart] from the [index] with the underscore, then you KNOW that the complete ID will be unique because the unadulterated [cart] is always unique, and after the underscore will be unique on each iteration of [founditems] (in the context of *that* [cart]). If someone argues my case here, and says you were safe the way you were about to do it.. then I presume that it means they know more than I do about the possible range of cart strings. There must have been discussion on list in the past about that... but I think I was away at that time. ------------ Govinda Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber (Govinda 2010)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber (Tom Duke 2010)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber (Govinda 2010)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber (Govinda 2010)
  6. Re: [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  7. Re: [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber (Tom Duke 2010)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  9. [WebDNA] Query re: autonumber (Tom Duke 2010)
> Ken, > > Thanks for that. I think I'll stick to using cart for record IDs > then. > > A follow up question, if I am doing a bulk append to a db then I can > only create one [cart] on a template, so if I use the following > within a search context am I safe in not creating duplicate cart IDs: > > [search db=import.db&neIDdatarq=find_all][founditems] > > [append db=appendto.db]recordID=[cart][index][/append] > > [/founditems][/search] > > Thanks > - Tom Hi Tom, in the situation you just asked about, I have been in the habit of writing the IDs like this: [founditems] [append db=appendto.db]recordID=[cart]_[index][/append] [/founditems] ...because unless one knows *exactly* how cart strings are created... and what all are their possible values.. then conceivably a cart string could have already in the past been what you were about to write with your current (this page render) [cart] concatenated with one more digit (the [index]). RIght? But by separating the [cart] from the [index] with the underscore, then you KNOW that the complete ID will be unique because the unadulterated [cart] is always unique, and after the underscore will be unique on each iteration of [founditems] (in the context of *that* [cart]). If someone argues my case here, and says you were safe the way you were about to do it.. then I presume that it means they know more than I do about the possible range of cart strings. There must have been discussion on list in the past about that... but I think I was away at that time. ------------ Govinda Govinda


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