[WebDNA] Two stores one db

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numero = 107421
interpreted = N
texte = I having a problem getting two stores to work from one product db. Both = are under the same domain, but in different directories. But, they = share one products.db main store=20 domain/shoppingcart.tpl etc domain/shoppingcarts/ domain/data/products.db substore/ domain/substore/shoppingcart.tpl etc domain/substore/shoppingcarts/ products.db=3Ddomain/data/products.db In other words, both stores share one product db. A Cart IS being created in the substore/shoppingcarts folder, but = products will not add to it. Is that because of the directory structure do you think? Am I confusing = WebDNA somehow? How does WebDNA know which shopping cart folder to use? Is there a relationship between the template with the add command and = the shoppingcarts folder? Any info would help. Thank you, Frank 6.2 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Two stores one db (frank@cwolfe.com 2011)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Two stores one db (Donovan Brooke 2011)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] Two stores one db (Govinda 2011)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] Two stores one db (frank@cwolfe.com 2011)
  5. [WebDNA] Two stores one db (frank@cwolfe.com 2011)
I having a problem getting two stores to work from one product db. Both = are under the same domain, but in different directories. But, they = share one products.db main store=20 domain/shoppingcart.tpl etc domain/shoppingcarts/ domain/data/products.db substore/ domain/substore/shoppingcart.tpl etc domain/substore/shoppingcarts/ products.db=3Ddomain/data/products.db In other words, both stores share one product db. A Cart IS being created in the substore/shoppingcarts folder, but = products will not add to it. Is that because of the directory structure do you think? Am I confusing = WebDNA somehow? How does WebDNA know which shopping cart folder to use? Is there a relationship between the template with the add command and = the shoppingcarts folder? Any info would help. Thank you, Frank 6.2 frank@cwolfe.com


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