Re: Bug or syntax error on my part?

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numero = 10748
interpreted = N
texte = >Remember, when you do a search from a hyperlink, the entire results >template is contained within an *IMPLIED* search context. This means that >there is an invisible [search] tag at the top of the page, and there is an >invisible [/search] tag at the bottom of the page. But this only applies >in a 'hyperlink search'. > Ken, thanks for the advise This is what I am using that did not work, a hperlink $search?Your text, should be considered by all newbies. The careful placing of the closing [/search] when using [search] can cause all kinds of crazy things to happen :)It's the hypelink one with the implied [/search] that is causing me problems. If I remove the [hideif][/hideif] tags all works just fine. I think there is something fishy happening when using a hyperlink search and those tags.=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Bug or syntax error on my part? (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Re: Bug or syntax error on my part? ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  3. Re: Bug or syntax error on my part? (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Re: Bug or syntax error on my part? (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  5. Bug or syntax error on my part? ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
>Remember, when you do a search from a hyperlink, the entire results >template is contained within an *IMPLIED* search context. This means that >there is an invisible [search] tag at the top of the page, and there is an >invisible [/search] tag at the bottom of the page. But this only applies >in a 'hyperlink search'. > Ken, thanks for the advise This is what I am using that did not work, a hperlink $search?Your text, should be considered by all newbies. The careful placing of the closing [/search] when using [search] can cause all kinds of crazy things to happen :)It's the hypelink one with the implied [/search] that is causing me problems. If I remove the [hideif][/hideif] tags all works just fine. I think there is something fishy happening when using a hyperlink search and those tags.=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== (Gary Richter)


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