[WebDNA] [BULK] [middle] behavior

This WebDNA talk-list message is from


It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 115050
interpreted = N
texte = 2679 Hi all, I am using [middle] to parse some XML. My Webdna is as follows: [text]reply=,"UNITED STATES"37.751-97.8225000-05:00LEASEWEB USA INC.LEASEWEB.COMT1TODOTODO539120502223.81.80.158.USA-IDC.COMUSA-IDC.COM[/text] Neither or exists. Should not the result of [middle] be nothing/blank? [middle startafter=&endbefore=[][reply][/middle] I am getting:, STATES37.751-97.8225000-05:00LEASEWEB USA INC.LEASEWEB.COMT1TODOTODO539120502223.81.80.158.USA-IDC.COMUSA-IDC.COM Thanks in advance -- Steve Raslevich --------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list talk@webdna.us To unsubscribe, E-mail to: talk-leave@webdna.us archives: http://www.webdna.us/page.dna?numero=55 Bug Reporting: support@webdna.us . Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. [WebDNA] [BULK] [middle] behavior (webdna 2020)
2679 Hi all, I am using [middle] to parse some XML. My Webdna is as follows: [text]reply=,"UNITED STATES"37.751-97.8225000-05:00LEASEWEB USA INC.LEASEWEB.COMT1TODOTODO539120502223.81.80.158.USA-IDC.COMUSA-IDC.COM[/text] Neither or exists. Should not the result of [middle] be nothing/blank? [middle startafter=&endbefore=[][reply][/middle] I am getting:, STATES37.751-97.8225000-05:00LEASEWEB USA INC.LEASEWEB.COMT1TODOTODO539120502223.81.80.158.USA-IDC.COMUSA-IDC.COM Thanks in advance -- Steve Raslevich --------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list talk@webdna.us To unsubscribe, E-mail to: talk-leave@webdna.us archives: http://www.webdna.us/page.dna?numero=55 Bug Reporting: support@webdna.us . webdna


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