Re: form data submission gets truncated

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numero = 11995
interpreted = N
texte = >>If there's any possibility whatsoever that WebCat is imposing a limit on >>this, then I need to know that information ASAP. > >I just looked at the code, and it gets cut off at 24K inside WebCatalog no >matter what.Therefore, all data entered into a WebDNA form field is truncated at 24K by WebCat2 ... until a future version is released, right? Thanks!Is this 24K limit higher, lower or the same on NT ? >I can see a way of improving this for the next version (at least in the >plugin).Great, it would be a nice feature that's for sure. Now a question: Is this something that can be made unlimited, or does that break something else, or isn't that even possible? Just curious ... :) >>Earlier you said WebCat does NOT impose any limits, and now it looks like >>you're saying you're not sure if WebCatalog itself is set up to go past >>32K. > >I meant that you can create a database with no limit on field length. >That's different from being able to issue a method=POST greater than 24K. >If you export large fields from FileMaker Pro, that should work fine. If >you're trying to use Netscape with forms to add large fields, that will >not work.Yes, this is exactly what my concern is. I know the database will hold more than 24K in each field, my concern is appending new records and modifying the data in existing resords from a browser interface.I'm trying to create a web site that allows the users to manipulate their own content without knowing html. They use browser-based forms.Since WebCat2 has a 24K limit on the volume of data it writes to any field, I have to find a way to get around that limit, because most of the chapters in the online books are longer than 24K.It looks like the best method for me now is to rework my databases to stores long text items in several smaller fields rather than one large field.Oh well, at least I'll know better the next time ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  3. Re: form data submission gets truncated (John Hill 1997)
  4. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  5. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  6. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  7. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  8. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  9. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Karl Schroll 1997)
  10. Re: Re: form data submission gets truncated ( (Allen Booth) 1997)
  11. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  12. Re: form data submission gets truncated (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  13. form data submission gets truncated (Karl Schroll 1997)
>>If there's any possibility whatsoever that WebCat is imposing a limit on >>this, then I need to know that information ASAP. > >I just looked at the code, and it gets cut off at 24K inside WebCatalog no >matter what.Therefore, all data entered into a WebDNA form field is truncated at 24K by WebCat2 ... until a future version is released, right? Thanks!Is this 24K limit higher, lower or the same on NT ? >I can see a way of improving this for the next version (at least in the >plugin).Great, it would be a nice feature that's for sure. Now a question: Is this something that can be made unlimited, or does that break something else, or isn't that even possible? Just curious ... :) >>Earlier you said WebCat does NOT impose any limits, and now it looks like >>you're saying you're not sure if WebCatalog itself is set up to go past >>32K. > >I meant that you can create a database with no limit on field length. >That's different from being able to issue a method=POST greater than 24K. >If you export large fields from FileMaker Pro, that should work fine. If >you're trying to use Netscape with forms to add large fields, that will >not work.Yes, this is exactly what my concern is. I know the database will hold more than 24K in each field, my concern is appending new records and modifying the data in existing resords from a browser interface.I'm trying to create a web site that allows the users to manipulate their own content without knowing html. They use browser-based forms.Since WebCat2 has a 24K limit on the volume of data it writes to any field, I have to find a way to get around that limit, because most of the chapters in the online books are longer than 24K.It looks like the best method for me now is to rework my databases to stores long text items in several smaller fields rather than one large field.Oh well, at least I'll know better the next time ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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