Re: Assigning Serialized Customer Numbers

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numero = 15464
interpreted = N
texte = >How do I assign new customers a unique Customer Number that is >sequentially greater than the highest existing customer number? >Is there an example to look at anywhere? Maybe, but I'm not sure off-hand.Here, I'll write one for you. It should work fine if you make a couple of obvious changes (to the database and field name, of course). And if you can understand how and why this works, that's even better ... :)[append db=XXX.db]fieldName=[math]1+[search db=XXX.db&nefieldNamedatarq=[blank]&fieldtype=num&defieldsort=1&max=1][founditem s][fieldName][/founditems][/search][/math][/append]Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Assigning Serialized Customer Numbers (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Assigning Serialized Customer Numbers (Larry Orchier 1997)
>How do I assign new customers a unique Customer Number that is >sequentially greater than the highest existing customer number? >Is there an example to look at anywhere? Maybe, but I'm not sure off-hand.Here, I'll write one for you. It should work fine if you make a couple of obvious changes (to the database and field name, of course). And if you can understand how and why this works, that's even better ... :)[append db=XXX.db]fieldName=[math]1+[search db=XXX.db&nefieldNamedatarq=[blank]&fieldtype=num&defieldsort=1&max=1][founditem s][fieldName][/founditems][/search][/math][/append]Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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