WebMerchant email template format?

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numero = 15753
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texte = WebMerchant's email format is different from WebCatalog's, and I cannot seem to get WebMerchant to create an email message that works. What's the format for a WebMerchant email template that actually works? Here's mine, it doesn't work:-----start email template----- [subject]Problem With an Order[/subject][cc][/cc] There was a problem with order #[cart] Here is the error message: [errormessage]Here is the customer's data:Name: [name] Address: [address1] CSZ: [city], [state] [zip]account: [accountNum] expires: [expMonth]/[expYear]Shipping Address: Name: [ShipToName] Company: [ShipTocompany] Street Address: [ShipToAddress1] Street Address2: [ShipToAddress2] CSZ: [ShipToCity], [ShipToState] [ShipToZip] Country: [ShipToCountry]Here is the customer's attempted order:Product Code Title Qty Price -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --- ---------- [lineItems][sku 20] [textA 40] [quantity 3] [price 10] [/lineItems] -----end email template-----The problem is this: Instead of seeing the above text in my email message, with the WebDNA tags replaced, I get this:-----start email message----- problem@mail.webdna.net store@mail.webdna.net` -----end email message-----I don't know what that box and accent mark mean, or why there's a space between those items and the From: address (store@mail.webdna.net), but it sure doesn't look anything like the stuff in the template above. I'm using the new WebMerchant beta, if that's any help ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome ken@iav.com 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions http://webdna.net/ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. WebMerchant email template format? (Kenneth Grome 1997)
WebMerchant's email format is different from WebCatalog's, and I cannot seem to get WebMerchant to create an email message that works. What's the format for a WebMerchant email template that actually works? Here's mine, it doesn't work:-----start email template----- [subject]Problem With an Order[/subject][cc][/cc] There was a problem with order #[cart] Here is the error message: [errormessage]Here is the customer's data:Name: [name] Address: [address1] CSZ: [city], [state] [zip]account: [accountNum] expires: [expMonth]/[expYear]Shipping Address: Name: [ShipToName] Company: [ShipTocompany] Street Address: [ShipToAddress1] Street Address2: [ShipToAddress2] CSZ: [ShipToCity], [ShipToState] [ShipToZip] Country: [ShipToCountry]Here is the customer's attempted order:Product Code Title Qty Price -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --- ---------- [lineitems][sku 20] [textA 40] [quantity 3] [price 10] [/lineItems] -----end email template-----The problem is this: Instead of seeing the above text in my email message, with the WebDNA tags replaced, I get this:-----start email message----- problem@mail.webdna.net store@mail.webdna.net` -----end email message-----I don't know what that box and accent mark mean, or why there's a space between those items and the From: address (store@mail.webdna.net), but it sure doesn't look anything like the stuff in the template above. I'm using the new WebMerchant beta, if that's any help ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome ken@iav.com 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions http://webdna.net/ Kenneth Grome


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