Technical References - [lineitems]

Loops through all the line items in an order file.

numero = 226
interpreted = N
texte = [orderfile [cart]] [lineitems] lineitem variables [/lineitems] [/orderfile] To display a list of all the line items in a shopping cart or order file, put a [lineitems] context inside an [orderfile] context (like placing a founditems loop inside a search context). Example:
[orderfile [cart]][lineitems][sku], [price], [quantity][/lineitems][/orderfile]
The following tags are available inside a [lineitems] context. Except for [lineindex], these are the line item fieldnames in the order file.
[lineindex]A number from 1 to the maximum number of line items, indicating this item's index position in the list.
[SKU]The SKU of this line item in the shopping cart.
[quantity]Quantity of this line item the visitor wants to purchase.
[price]Price of this line item.
[taxable]"T" if this item is taxable, "F" if not.
[canemail]"T" if this item is electronically deliverable, "F" if not.
[unitshipcost]Price to ship one unit of this item.
[textA]Extra text field to be used for any purpose, e.g., catalog fields such as [title] or options such as color and size.
[textB] ... [textZ]Same as textA above.
 [orderfile [cart]]
lineitem variables

To display a list of all the line items in a shopping cart or order file, put a [lineitems] context inside an [orderfile] context (like placing a founditems loop inside a search context).


[orderfile [cart]]
[sku], [price], [quantity]

The following tags are available inside a [lineitems] context. Except for [lineindex], these are the line item fieldnames in the order file.
[lineindex]A number from 1 to the maximum number of line items, indicating this item's index position in the list.
[SKU]The SKU of this line item in the shopping cart.
[quantity]Quantity of this line item the visitor wants to purchase.
[price]Price of this line item.
[taxable]"T" if this item is taxable, "F" if not.
[canemail]"T" if this item is electronically deliverable, "F" if not.
[unitshipcost]Price to ship one unit of this item.
[textA]Extra text field to be used for any purpose, e.g., catalog fields such as [title] or options such as color and size.
[textB] ... [textZ]Same as textA above.


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