[writefile] functions allows you to perform a wide variety of tasks, from copying a purchased eBook to a special folder for downloading, to placing an uploaded file on your server.
numero = 107[writefile] does not 'understand' databases. If you want to write a new record to the end of a database, use [append] instead.
Example:[WriteFile SomeTextFile]Hello, my name is Grant. The time is [time]This is a second line[/WriteFile]The text file "SomeTextFile" is created and opened, and the text:Hello, my name is Grant. The time is 13:43:01This is a second lineis written to the file. Notice that carriage returns inside the context are written to the file exactly as they appear. Also notice that any WebDNA [xxx] tags inside the context are substituted for their real values before being written to the file. You may specify a full or partial URL to the file, as in "/Some Folder/file.txt" or "LocalFolder/file.txt."
You can also generate static ordinary webpages or even dynamic ones if you add <!--HAS_WEBDNA_TAGS--> at the begining of your file. WebDNA can literally autogenerate new programs. See [raw] context.
See also [appendfile], [createfolder], [copyfile], [copyfolder], [movefile], [deletefile] and [deletefolder] Creating a new file[writefile] does not 'understand' databases. If you want to write a new record to the end of a database, use [append] instead.
[WriteFile SomeTextFile]Hello, my name is Grant. The time is [time]
This is a second line[/WriteFile]
You can also generate static ordinary webpages or even dynamic ones if you add <!--HAS_WEBDNA_TAGS--> at the begining of your file. WebDNA can literally autogenerate new programs. See [raw] context.
A list of user-submitted tips ...
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