Displays enclosed text without interpreting the [xxx] tags in any way.
numero = 201[raw]Any text, including any [xxx] tags such as [date] or [delete] [ /raw]In the example above, the displayed text will beAny text, including any [xxx] tags such as [date] or [delete]
This context is most often used within any HTML pages on your site that have many [] characters may be misinterpreted by WebDNA, so surround those pages with <!-- [ Raw]-->...entire text of page...<!-- [ /Raw]-->. Notice the <!-- --> HTML comments in this example: they are used so that if this page is ever displayed without being processed by WebDNA, the [ raw] tags will be invisible.
[raw] Any Text, including [xxx][ /raw][raw]Any text, including any [xxx] tags such as [date] or [delete] [ /raw]
This context is most often used within any HTML pages on your site that have many [] characters may be misinterpreted by WebDNA, so surround those pages with <!-- [ Raw]-->...entire text of page...<!-- [ /Raw]-->. Notice the <!-- --> HTML comments in this example: they are used so that if this page is ever displayed without being processed by WebDNA, the [ raw] tags will be invisible.
WebDNA applications...
F.A.QA compilation of some user's questions...
Tips and TricksA list of user-submitted tips ...
WebDNA ModulesA list of the currently available modules...
WebDNA LibrariesA list of available libraries for WebDNA...
Technical Change HistoryThis Technical Change History provides a reverse chronological list of WebDNA changes...
When listing files...
[encrypt][encrypt] and [decrypt] allow you to store sensitive data in your databases without risk of exposing it to prying eyes...
[table][table] allows you to quickly create a temporary 'in line' database that is local to the template and not part of the global database cache...
[listfields]Lists all the fields in the specified database...
[shownext][shownext] is a special context used to create links (or more accurately...
[hideif][HideIf Comparison]Hide This HTML[/HideIf]...