Lists all the form variables and parameters passed to the current page.
numero = 249This context is extremely useful to debug a form
Example:The following are all the form variables available to this page:[formvariables][index],[name],[value]The [formvariables] context has optional parameters placed within the beginning tag in order to modify the list of form variables produced.Example:The following are the values of all the form variables with the name "text":
[formvariables name=text&exact=T][index],[value]Listing the variables with a given name is useful for getting the results of a multiple select list or multiple checkboxes with the same name.The following parameters are optional to the [formvariables] context:
Parameter | Description |
Name | (Optional) The name of the field to list. |
Exact | (Optional) T(rue) or F(alse) whether to exactly match the name of the parameter or match any name that contains the "name" value. (Default value is true). |
Form | (Optional) Use form=include to retrieve the list of form variables from the [include file=xxx&var1=yyy&var2=zzz] tag in this template. |
Tag | Description |
[name] | the name of the field. |
[value] | the value associated with the field. |
[index] | A number from 1 to the total number of fields, indicating this field's index placement in the list. |
[break] | From version 8.1, if the [formvariables] context sees the [break] tag while executing a loop, it will stop looping, once it finishes the current loop. Thus the [break] tag should only appear in a [showif] statement that is evaluated at the end (bottom) of the loop. |
This context is extremely useful to debug a form
[formvariables name=text&exact=T]
Parameter | Description |
Name | (Optional) The name of the field to list. |
Exact | (Optional) T(rue) or F(alse) whether to exactly match the name of the parameter or match any name that contains the "name" value. (Default value is true). |
Form | (Optional) Use form=include to retrieve the list of form variables from the [include file=xxx&var1=yyy&var2=zzz] tag in this template. |
Tag | Description |
[name] | the name of the field. |
[value] | the value associated with the field. |
[index] | A number from 1 to the total number of fields, indicating this field's index placement in the list. |
[break] | From version 8.1, if the [formvariables] context sees the [break] tag while executing a loop, it will stop looping, once it finishes the current loop. Thus the [break] tag should only appear in a [showif] statement that is evaluated at the end (bottom) of the loop. |
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