numero = 1
WebDNA reference | |||
SQL (6.2) [SQLconnect] [SQLexecute] [SQLresult] [SQLinfo] [SQLdisconnect] [SQLrelease] [SQL] (ODBC) | databases [search] [founditems] [shownext] [addfields] [append] [closedatabase] [commitdatabase] (Database format) [delete] [exclusivelock] [listdatabases] [listfields] [lookup] [replace] [replacefounditems] [table] [lastautonumber] DB encryption (8.5) | shopping (6.2) [addlineitem] [cart] [clearlineitems] formulas.db [lineitems] [orderfile] [purchase] [removelineitem] [setheader] [setlineitem] [validcard] order file | browser info [browsername] [cookie] [getmimeheader] [ipaddress] [listmimeheaders] [referrer] [setmimeheader] [httpmethod] |
technical [ddeconnect] ![]() [ddesend] ![]() [DOS] ![]() [shell] ![]() [elapsedtime] [flushcache] [flushdatabases] [interpret] [object] (6.2) [redirect] [returnraw] [spawn] [tcpconnect] [tcpsend] triggers | text manipulation [boldwords] [capitalize] [convertchars] [countchars] [countwords] [convertwords] [findstring] [format] [getchars] [grep] [input] [listchars] [listpath] [listwords] [lowercase] [middle] [raw] [removehtml] [text] [unurl] [url] [uppercase] [regex] (8.1) | miscellaneous [array] [formvariables] [freememory] [function] [include] [listvariables] [loop] [platform] [random] [return] [scope] [sendmail] [thisurl] [version] [!] comment [JSONstore] (8.2) [session] (8.1) [store] (8.1) [biotype] (8.5) [hide] (8.5) [wait] (8.6) Technical Change History | files & folders [appendfile] [calcfilecrc32] [copyfile] [copyfolder] [createfolder] [deletefile] [deletefolder] [filecompare] [fileinfo] [listfiles] [movefile] [waitforfile] [writefile] [movefolder] [renamefile] [renamefolder] |
dates & times [date] [format] [math] [time] | showing & hiding [hideif] [if] [then] [else] [showif] [switch] [case] | passwords [authenticate] [encrypt] [password] [protect] [username] | xml [xmlnode] [xmlnodes] [xmlnodesattributes] [xmlparse] [xsl] [xslt] |
A list of user-submitted tips ...
AWS Raw WebDNA LAMP-Plus WebServerAmazon Web Services (AWS) README for Machine Image ID...
[biotype]BioType is a behavioral biometrics WebDNA function based on ADGS research and development (from version 8...
WebDNA reference...
F.A.QA compilation of some user's questions...
WebDNA ModulesA list of the currently available modules...
This context displays HTML or executes WebDNA conditionally only if the expression is true...
[authenticate]WebDNA provides a few options for password protecting your pages...
[return]Explicitly identify what text is returned from a function call...
[math][math] calculates equations using numbers...
[listpath]Breaks a path into separate foldernames and a filename...