Technical References - [SQLinfo]

numero = 279
interpreted = N
texte = [SQLinfo Params]...[/SQLinfo] Reports back information about a SQL connection that has already been established via [SQLconnect]. Example:
[SQLconnect dbType=MySQL&host=]Connected successfully[/SQLConnect]SQLinfo reports:[SQLinfo conn_ref=conn1]Host: [SQL_HOST]Server Version: [SQL_SERVERVER]Client Version: [SQL_CLIENTVER][/SQLinfo]
conn_ref (or just 'ref')The name of a SQLConnect variable created (via the conn_var or var variable) by the successful execution of [SQLconnect].
The following tags are available inside a [SQLinfo] context:
[SQL_HOST] The IP Address/host name of the database server.
[SQL_SERVERTYPE]The RDBMS type of the database server; type returned: MYSQL, MSSQL, or ORACLE.
[SQL_SERVERVER]The version number of the SQL server; e.g. 7.0.
[SQL_CLIENTVER]The version number of the client being used to connect to the database server.
[SQL_DBNAME]The name of the database you have connected to, if any.
[SQLinfo Params]...[/SQLinfo]
Reports back information about a SQL connection that has already been established via [SQLconnect].


[SQLconnect dbType=MySQL&host=]
Connected successfully

SQLinfo reports:
[SQLinfo conn_ref=conn1]
Host: [SQL_HOST]
Server Version: [SQL_SERVERVER]
Client Version: [SQL_CLIENTVER]

conn_ref (or just 'ref')The name of a SQLConnect variable created (via the conn_var or var variable) by the successful execution of [SQLconnect].

The following tags are available inside a [SQLinfo] context:

[SQL_HOST] The IP Address/host name of the database server.
[SQL_SERVERTYPE]The RDBMS type of the database server; type returned: MYSQL, MSSQL, or ORACLE.
[SQL_SERVERVER]The version number of the SQL server; e.g. 7.0.
[SQL_CLIENTVER]The version number of the client being used to connect to the database server.
[SQL_DBNAME]The name of the database you have connected to, if any.


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